Original Post

Ever since I was a kid, I had an idea for a game in which a guy is trapped in a castle with tons of rooms, and the object of the game was to exit the door in each room. It’s kind of like a platform game, but with puzzle elements. This is a proof-of-concept to see if I could actually program such a game, and here it is. Left/right moves guy, A is for jumping. Right now, there’s no enemy or door to another room, so there’s not really that much to do so far.

64 Replies


I was too busy to make any real progress recently, but I did manage to rename some variables and even remove unused ones. I guess I’ll just replace existing paragraphs of code with your simplified ones, because I admit I managed to screw things up in some places.

How is array theory going?

I think I’ve fixed it! Try this.


It’s definitely better. Care to post the source?

I tried this with F.B.+, pretty neat, I got to room 14 and couldn’t figure out how to make that jump in the lower right corner.

What else is planned? A little gravity, 3D effect, more animations?


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