Original Post

C=64 was my first love………and the Game musics comming from the SID…I love it…
I’ve made two mixes with C=64 samples in it…
look and hear if u like :



  • This topic was modified 15 years, 7 months ago by badboybubby.
9 Replies

p.s….and of course I would like to Remix some VB tracks as well….
any Idea where I can find good quality VB Soundtracks? mp3 or wav?
Or how I can Sample myself from the Emu?

maybe I have to wait for my flashboy and Sample from VB’s Headphone output….anybody with FB experiences? How good is the quality of the Sound in the Games playing with flashboy?
thanx and greets from cologne

You’re already at the source, my friend. πŸ˜‰ Games > Released > [game] > Multimedia > Audio. If we don’t have what you need, the best way to record stuff yourself is through the VB’s headphone out. Of course, games played on the FlashBoy work (and sound) exactly the same as original games. I mean, why shouldn’t they?

If you record and/or remix anything, please don’t forget to submit that stuff. πŸ™‚

Cool avatar, btw!

I love this kind of music. I listen to slayradio.org all the time at work πŸ™‚

I love this side….never recogniced the audio section… :thumpup:

Top tunes, loving the electro noises.
I have been having fun with KORG-DS10 for the DS, great little app, I just mess about with it usually ending up with a carcophony of sounds and squidges, but such fun.
I can confirm like Krisse says, sound using the flashboy is perfect, no differance to original game carts.

….and here is a short mix with those hot VB Samples from this side !


Sweet, I like alot, gonna send the link to some buddies.
Keep up the top work,

Your best yet, but not by much!

I know who to go to when (if… :-P) I need music for a vb project πŸ˜‰

Thanx,Boys !


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