I have talking to my brother today. My brother is a artist and do movie posters and covers fore dvd movies.
I am verry intressted to have a real box of Dragon Hopper but the picture of the box is so low resulotion.
Does anouther picture of it exist?
Any waye i have talked to my brother and asked him if he could do a remade picture that look like the orginel cover.
Are there any more here how is intressted in a picture.
I belive i have to pay him fore it but i want a box and i want to share.
I belive it will take some time before it can be done.
I don’t know if the attached picture is any clearer. It is the clearest picture of the front of the box that I have ever found on the internet. I’ve also attached a picture of the alleged, genuine back side of the original box.
Do you plan to have your brother make just a picture of the front of the box or an entire reproduction box with front and back? I would be very interested in getting a reproduction box made for Dragon Hopper, and I would be willing to contribute money towards that. I could even write up information that could appear on the back of the box.
I think it’s a good idea. Generally I dislike the US Airbrush style of artwork when they localise a Japanese-originated piece of art, but it does have some charm.
I know some people have the exact opposite and love the US style but really dislike the Japanese style art.
I’m working on a Bound High! Japanese version artwork to mirror this style as best I can.
I may try and do a Dragon Hopper one later as well, but until the game shows up I probably will be better working on other things.
Well Benjamin its you and me that are intressted in this 🙂
I will have him make both front and back so we can do a comlete box later. I belive that those picture is to small so if we use them they will be pixels on the picture.
I hope he can do a remade pic that is looking the same as the real box picture.
My brother did not like the real picture. He finks is to amerikan looking picture. He told me that if it Would be an japanese picture is have been allout better.
Well the goal is to make a complete box and with the USA style becaus is the only box that i have seen a picture at.
I Will talk with him what he want fore making this art.
I also hope that there are more Thene Benjamin and me that are intressted.
Sorry fore bad english. Its not easy to Wright on an IPhone.
That sounds pretty interesting.
I just wonder how you might make the gameplay picture.
I found one dragon hopper pic. i made long time ago.
If the pic from the box is needed i could try to recreated.
I know this is unrelated to the topic, but I’ve always wondered why some of the Dragon Hopper screenshots were taken while the VB was showing a low battery signal…
It would be really cool to have a reproduction Dragon Hopper box. I think the best way is to redraw it as close to original as possible. The pictures available are way too low res to make a decent box. While I love the idea of a redrawn japanese style cover, it would take away from the cool factor of having an original looking Dragon Hopper Box.
Virtual Ben i love your remade Dragon Hopper picture.
The back of the box i belive is the more easy part. But if we all can work together to get this done would be fine.
I have talken to My brother about make this work and the payment fore it. He is a real artist so if he do this he have to put away time and other work so he want pyment.
He also work big. So in the end the pickture Will be high kvalite and the size of the picture will let us print stuff as posters etc etc…
But fore now there is the box art.
He want 150 $ dollar to make the art.
So if we got 15 person how want a box there will be 10$ 🙂
So this is fore the art only.
So lets make a intressted list of this.
In the end Uncle Tusk can do the box.
We all have to come to a choice what the box Will look like. But i want a remade picture of the orginal picture.
1. Robert Molander
What i meen is that we can ask Uncle Tusk about getting the print complet.
My brother will do a great job with the art. But if any orher here have a better deal i want to know.
I want one complete box. Even if i have to pay fore the whole fing my self 🙂
Robert Molander wrote:
Virtual Ben i love your remade Dragon Hopper picture.
The back of the box i belive is the more easy part. But if we all can work together to get this done would be fine.I have talken to My brother about make this work and the payment fore it. He is a real artist so if he do this he have to put away time and other work so he want pyment.
He also work big. So in the end the pickture Will be high kvalite and the size of the picture will let us print stuff as posters etc etc…
But fore now there is the box art.
He want 150 $ dollar to make the art.
So if we got 15 person how want a box there will be 10$ 🙂
So this is fore the art only.So lets make a intressted list of this.
In the end Uncle Tusk can do the box.
We all have to come to a choice what the box Will look like. But i want a remade picture of the orginal picture.
I really like the idea of having a HQ version of the Dragon Hopper Box. In case the final art will be available for everyone to use for free (!) I will be happy to fill multiple slots:
1. Robert Molander
2. thunderstruck
3. thunderstruck
4. thunderstruck
5. thunderstruck
I’ll take a shot at it. My artwork portfolio includes the Faceball VB prototype edition.
Totally cool, but I honestly think we need a “cart” before we get a box. But, if you end of actually doing it, you can count me in on one.
Only to make my previous statement a little bit clearer: I would like to have a free HQ version of the Dragon Hopper Box as an image file so that everyone can make their own Box. Therefore, I would be willing to fill multiple slots (meaning paying $40 or so). I don’t want 4 Boxes.
Yes Thunderstruck i understand that. Well i belive i Will also pay the most of the payment My self. I might pay him all the money and give the art out fore free. I want a box so much and if i pay i am willing to share the art to the peaple at planetVB :-).
I am not sure yet how to do. The most importet is to get the box done.
Hello all.
This is my plan fore this art fing.
I make my brother do the art and i will put it out fore free.
If you want to donate money fore the art i will ad his paypal acount.
So you have choice to take the art fore free or ad some donation fore it
If no donation is coming in i will end up paying him the full amount of money.
I fink this is the best way to this. What do you all think…..
Oh sorry that i did not reply you. I love the Faceball box. I have one at home now 🙂
Do you want to do a art , and can you make it look close to the orginal?
As i say . The imported fing is that the art is good and a box Will be made. 🙂
Hey Robert, Thank you for your compliments. Ive already started on the DH box. I just wanted to know if you wanted me to back out or not, let me know OK. I will continue until I’m told to stop.
I can definitely put the boxes together once the design is ready.
This was a project I had on the back burner. Glad some professional artists are handling it. If you need any help. Let me know!
This sounds like a very interesting development, indeed! I’d be happy to provide some amount of support, if needed. Even if it’s just a reproduction box, having something tangibly “Dragon Hopper” would be pretty sweet!