Original Post

Hi guys, so here is the first stable build of my entry for the competition, running in the soon to be release version of my engine, which I have been reworking for the last two months to support the most crucial OOP features: single inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.

(You must use DogP’s padder to run it on the real VB).

Enjoy :-).


47 Replies

Cool… it’ll be really interesting to see the engine when you release it. BTW, did you add any sound? I’m not at my VB right now, so I only tested it out in Reality Boy, just wondering whether I should burn it to my cart or not.


Ups.. I forgot to include the sound… but here is a new one with the bgm you gave me a long time ago.

(but not sound effects, the engine supports up to two sfxs and one bgm at any given time, but I don’t have the patience to write/convert them).

I runs beautifully on HW BTW :-).



Ahh man.. I wish I had a flashboy to try this out on. Could someone please make videos of the game in action? I’d be really interested to see it 🙂

OHH fantastic demo!!, great job!!, I leave here a video for anyone who does not have flashboy


Thanks rubengar… will be posting weekly updates of the demo until the end of the competition. Hope all you like it.


  • This reply was modified 16 years, 4 months ago by jorgeche.

Hey Jorgeche excellent beta/demo I can see it’s potential and look forward to seeing the full level! Oh and congrats on your 100th post 😛

Thanks Deadly-D, I was really tempted to do some bump to achieve the 100th post :-).


Hi, as I promised, here is the weekly update of my entry for the competition.



Nice! It’s looking really good!


WOW! That is really impressive and inspiring! This is going to be one tough competition…

Thanks, glad to hear you’re liking it… hope to have a full level for the end of the competition.


Hi, this is the last update previous to the definitive entry for the competition. It still needs a lot of optimizations to run properly on hardware, but in the emulator it runs great.

It now has a continuous scrolling background, and a whole (but really short) level.

Hope to see other people’s work soon.



GREAT one! 🙂

oHH! Great work!!! :thumpup:

Looking Good!


I just played through the level… it looks really good, the only thing that got annoying was the plant coming out of the pipe. It would come up while I was on it, I would jump when I thought it was down, but it’d still get me… maybe 1 pixel was still up, and it wouldn’t come up until I’d jump, and then it’d come up on me (the second one was especially annoying). Other than that, it’s really cool!


Ok so I just tried the demo on the flashboy and the game stoped when I had walked like 2 meters after entering the screen threw the bridge
Also the 1st enemy before entering the bridge was sometimes gone and once I managed to enter the bridge and pass the 1st pipe, but as soon as I touched the ground efter that pipe the game stoped again

Nothing to do with Mario but Nester’s Funky Bowling did not work at all on the flashboy

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 4 months ago by akumie.
  • This reply was modified 16 years, 4 months ago by akumie.
  • This reply was modified 16 years, 4 months ago by akumie.

akumie wrote:
Ok so I just tried the demo on the flashboy and the game stoped when I had walked like 2 meters after entering the screen threw the bridge
Also the 1st enemy before entering the bridge was sometimes gone and once I managed to enter the bridge and pass the 1st pipe, but as soon as I touched the ground efter that pipe the game stoped again

Yes I know… it is a little buggy on hardware and it runs to slow to my taste, but someday it will run flawless hopefully.


Ok just thought for a second that maybe it was my flashboy that was bad since Nester’s Funky Bowling does not work at all

DogP wrote:
I just played through the level… it looks really good, the only thing that got annoying was the plant coming out of the pipe. It would come up while I was on it, I would jump when I thought it was down, but it’d still get me… maybe 1 pixel was still up, and it wouldn’t come up until I’d jump, and then it’d come up on me (the second one was especially annoying). Other than that, it’s really cool!


Hehehe… it is my own take on the plants… I really didn’t like the way they worked in the official games (stop coming out when mario is close to the pipe) so I change it the way I want them to work… anyway I can make the bounding box for collision detection to be maybe 4 pixels after the top of its head to not being killed by it when it’s starting to coming out.

Thanks for the feedback!.



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