Original Post

I know I’m late, but my computer crashed a few minutes before midnight. Not kidding.

Anyway, here it is. It’s very short, but I hope you find it fun or helpful for programming. Consider it a demo for a longer version with more levels.

  • This topic was modified 14 years, 4 months ago by HorvatM.
  • This topic was modified 14 years, 4 months ago by HorvatM.
  • This topic was modified 14 years, 4 months ago by HorvatM.
15 Replies

Wow, just wow

Now this is what I call a perfect homebrew game, works great on red dragon emulator but its so hard

Would have been fun if you could go in the screen like vertical force or if it was more side scrolling shmup game but for what it is its really good

To bad level 1 is so hard

Not bad…

The only problem I have is the “inverted” 3-D. It’s a little distracting with the stars being “in front of” the player, yet obscured by him. Other than that one glitch, it’s a passable vertical shmup.

A suggestion: It needs sound so you can have a “ding” to show that the “sputniks” aren’t destroyable. I didn’t “pull up” in time and crashed while trying to break them πŸ˜›

RunnerPack wrote:
The only problem I have is the “inverted” 3-D. It’s a little distracting with the stars being “in front of” the player, yet obscured by him.

If you don’t mind modifying the source code (and potentially uncovering a spoiler), you can try messing around with the kParallax constant and the CreateBackground function. It looked fine in Reality Boy to me, unless the “Side” view is actually parallel, not cross-eye…

A suggestion: It needs sound so you can have a “ding” to show that the “sputniks” aren’t destroyable. I didn’t “pull up” in time and crashed while trying to break them πŸ˜›

I wanted to have sound but couldn’t due to the lack of examples. Maybe you could put some on the wiki? πŸ™‚

Have you tried it on hardware? I’m concerned about the game speed – ideally, level 1 should take exactly one minute to beat, that is if you don’t lose any lives. (The Slowdown function controls that.)

HorvatM wrote:
[snip] It looked fine in Reality Boy to me, unless the “Side” view is actually parallel, not cross-eye…

That’s your problem, then; it is, in fact, parallel view by default. The “-flip” command-line option makes it cross-eye.

You’ll want to flip all the parallax in the code for it to look right on hardware (which I’m sure everyone would allow, given the circumstances, as long as that’s all you change). Of course, people playing on emulators (except for Mednafen) can just press the screen swap key… or flip their 3-D glasses over πŸ˜‰

I just tried this on my FlashBoy Plus. I must say, I really like the concept behind it!

The only thing is…and mind my lack of knowledge in the terms…the graphics of your ship as well as oncoming ships appear buggy, as in they stay in the same vertical lines, but “block apart” across that section of the screen.

The 3D effect is now reversed. I hope I did it correctly.

The game also now runs a little slower because I felt it was too fast. Of course I have no idea how it performs on hardware.

Attached is the new zip and some extra screendumps.

Just ran that version on my flashboy and I REALLY like the 3d effect! I was also able to get to level 2 for once haha

The same “pixelated” bug still remains as in the other version, but it’s still very much playable long as you don’t sit your ship still πŸ™‚

wazzal wrote:
The same “pixelated” bug still remains as in the other version, but it’s still very much playable long as you don’t sit your ship still πŸ™‚

I don’t understand. Can you take a picture? Pause the game, and if necessary, press Select to remove the “game paused” text.

Anyway, yes, you should move all the time. Standing still makes you vulnerable. πŸ™‚

That bug is only visible when you play on the real hardware, and is caused by changing/updating the OBJs at the “wrong” time…

You should only change OBJs between frames, while the screen is not being updated. Otherwise you get this effect with garbled OBJ tiles appearing all over the screen.

OK, so how do I make it wait for the right time?

Like this. Wait for drawing to end before writing to OAM, etc.

HorvatM wrote:

wazzal wrote:
The same “pixelated” bug still remains as in the other version, but it’s still very much playable long as you don’t sit your ship still πŸ™‚

I don’t understand. Can you take a picture? Pause the game, and if necessary, press Select to remove the “game paused” text.

Anyway, yes, you should move all the time. Standing still makes you vulnerable. πŸ™‚

Hey, sorry it took a while, I was busy with college work.
But I took some pics so you have an idea of what the “garbled graphics” look like, even though a solution seems to have been found:

(the ship will be on the left side of the screen)

First, a shot taken while moving the ship around:

Second, a shot of what happens when the ship sits still for a second or two:

Third, a shot of what happens when you don’t move the ship for about half a minute:

Just tried this with FlashBoy Plus, doesn’t work very well with a lot of graphic glitches on all moving objects. So it would be nice with a corrected update.


Finally, I’ve ported the game to the Soviet Union 2011 engine, giving it much needed features such as sound effects and difficulty and play mode settings.

This is the version that Protoman85 reviewed in his homebrew showcase video. However, there were some bugs in that version, so I did not release it at that time.


I just played this version and found it to be very enjoyable. I notice that the game shows your score when you die and gives you enough time to grab your digital camera and take a picture of the score you got. This sure makes it a nice game for VB community high score competitions… hint, hint to Krisse… πŸ˜‰


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