Original Post

Here’s my game for the competition. It should be run on real hardware.
In the latest reality boy there are still many graphical glitches, because rboy can’t handle affine maps correctly.

25 Replies

Autofaker wrote:
It is one of the best games for Virtual boy (for me at least).

I agree, just checked it out. It´s amazing! I also hope that this project will be continued!

so do I


I hope that you are prepared to be blocked from this site forever.

What, you don’t want vibrator advice? What if it was a red and black vibrator? 🙂

*cough* http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4039&post_id=12386 *cough*

Oh, when I was a silly newbie poster…


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