Original Post

Per my post in the main forum, I’m getting out of VB. I collected almost everything but can’t stomach buying Virtual Bowling, so I’m going to punt.

I went through my collection & input my asking prices for every item.

My Google Drive spreadsheet is up-to-date & will be the master tracker for this sale effort:


$4,758 is the grand total of the whole enchilada, if I were to sell every item & get my asking price. If anybody wants to venture into that territory & talk about a bulky bulk deal, you have my attention! :]


PS–Pics forthcoming!

15 Replies

$250 for Gundam translated – wow, that’s gone up in value in a short time.

I think the same.
This repro game costs normally 80$ and now 250$…. 😡

MineStorm wrote:
$250 for Gundam translated – wow, that’s gone up in value in a short time.

Perhaps if cart-only releases were made available as some type of on-demand deal, where there would never be stock-on-hand, then a price of $250 for the limited CIB would be more justified. There is really nothing to compare the limited CIB cart to. You could compare it to the Japanese release which commands a higher price than most of the other VB games, and perhaps based on that, an English translated release seems more rare. I’ve yet to see one sold second hand that commanded such a high price, but perhaps he is just setting the standard for what is to come. Due to limited time, a lack of interest in cart-only-releases, and perhaps even limited resources (?), those involved with the reproductions have inadvertently made them extremely collectable, when it would appear at first glace that the sole purpose was simply to make something unique available to VB gamers.

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Lester Knight.

Based on the limited quantities of this particular production run of complete-in-box copies of SD Gundam Dimension War in English and also based on buyers’ demands for complete-in-box copies of this game from this particular run, I would say that a current asking price of $250.00 is very fair. There were two auctions on Ebay not too long ago that revealed a total of four different buyers who were willing to pay more than $250.00 for this CIB game. If one checks the seller’s feedback, one will notice that the seller received positive feedback for each transaction, showing that the sales actually occurred, despite the fact that when the seller kept listing each new auction with the same picture, the seller acted like it was as a result of a non-paying bidder. The number of people willing to pay over $250.00 for this game that is no longer readily available may have very well increased some in this short period of time. If a person who was willing to pay over $250.00 for this game today found out that someone else was able to acquire it today for much less instead of him or her, he or she may very well be upset about it. Thus, it makes sense for a person who is willing to part with this special CIB game to let it go to someone who is willing to pay more than just about anyone else at the moment, which is about the only fair way to handle it.

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Thus, it makes sense for a person who is willing to part with this special CIB game to let it go to someone who is willing to pay more than just about anyone else at the moment, which is about the only fair way to handle it.

I find it more likely that they don’t care about the game and are just turning around for a quick profit.

A family medical emergency popped up. I promise to get to your many PMs when I am able.
Thanks for your patience.

PS–working on uploading a detailed photo gallery of all items. A good chunk are done so far. Trying to prioritize on the pricier items & those that are generating interest.


It’s market forces and all that, but personally I think 250$ for a repro made by fans is way too much.

Protoman85 wrote:
It’s market forces and all that, but personally I think 250$ for a repro made by fans is way too much.

I honestly consider it a great compliment, that some people place so much value on something that I helped to make.

Bump! Many items sold & shipped.

Please see the Google Docs spreadsheet for the latest availability, descriptions, & prices: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As7-6oT7oyHudExwNzRrX2ltY1diNnNSN1RxSU1kVWc&usp=drive_web#gid=14

Please see the Dropbox gallery for pics of all items: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ai89280z02j5ana/dIgcQW5GAr

Feel free to make offers–preference given to those who want more stuff. Not looking for too much trade-wise these days, unless you’ve got rare Vectrex items or interesting NEC/Atari controllers, but feel free to offer up anything else that you wish.

For your convenience, I’ll paste the current (as of 2013/12/10) list as of below, but please refer to the spreadsheet link–I won’t update this post with changes.


Blox Planet VB US $91
Faceball-Prototype Edition Planet VB US $91
Galactic Pinball Intelligent Systems Co, Ltd US $25
Golf T&E Soft US $20
Jack Bros Atlus JP $50
Kemco Baseball ’95 Kemco JP $12
Mario Clash Nintendo US $40
Mario Clash Nintendo JP $42
Panic Bomber Hudson Soft US $40
Panic Bomber Hudson Soft JP $16
Red Alarm T&E Soft US $20
SD Gundam War Bandai JP $675
Space Invaders: Virtual Collection Taito JP $425
Space Pinball Intelligent Systems Co, Ltd US $155
Teleroboxer Nintendo US $21
Teleroboxer Nintendo JP $20
T&E Virtual Golf Nintendo JP $20
Virtual Fishing Nintendo JP $70
Vertical Force Hudson Soft JP $17
Virtual League Baseball sealed Kemco US $14
V-Tetris Bullet-Proof JP $18
Wario Land Nintendo US $60
Waterworld Ocean US $130

Virtual Boy System displays solder-fixed+Tennis+Tennis manual Nintendo US $150
Controller Nintendo US incl w/ system
AC Adapter Nintendo US incl w/ system
Headphones, new box Nintendo JP $30
Hard Case foam & latches intact Blockbuster US $110
Soft Case a few spots/stains Performance US $60
Waterworld Poster Nintendo US $7
Nintendo Power magazine Vol 75 Virtual Boy on cover Nintendo US $30
Mario’s Tennis Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Red Alarm Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Teleroboxer Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Virtual Boy Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine

I see you managed to sell the Gundam translated for $250.

Mindblowing !

23 items remaining. Put on eBay with BIN OBO listings ( http://www.ebay.com/sch/jasonbar/m.html ) but still available for direct purchase here if not yet sold on eBay (prices here lower than eBay!).

Current games/info/forum-only prices: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As7-6oT7oyHudExwNzRrX2ltY1diNnNSN1RxSU1kVWc&usp=drive_web#gid=14

Gallery: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ai89280z02j5ana/dIgcQW5GAr


Summary as of this nanosecond:

Blox Planet VB US $91
Faceball-Prototype Edition Planet VB US $91
Jack Bros Atlus JP $50
Kemco Baseball ’95 Kemco JP $12
Mario Clash Nintendo US $40
Mario Clash Nintendo JP $42
SD Gundam War Bandai JP $675
Space Invaders: Virtual Collection Taito JP $425
Space Pinball Intelligent Systems Co, Ltd US $155
Space Squash Coconuts Japan JP $72
Teleroboxer Nintendo US $21
Teleroboxer Nintendo JP $20
T&E Virtual Golf Nintendo JP $20
Virtual Fishing Nintendo JP $70
Vertical Force Hudson Soft JP $17
Virtual League Baseball sealed Kemco US $14
Wario Land box, manual Nintendo US $60

Virtual Boy System displays solder-fixed+Tennis+Tennis manual Nintendo US $150
Controller Nintendo US incl w/ system
AC Adapter Nintendo US incl w/ system
Headphones, new box Nintendo JP $30
Hard Case foam & latches intact Blockbuster US $110
Soft Case a few spots/stains Performance US $60
Waterworld Poster Nintendo US $7
Nintendo Power magazine Vol 75 Virtual Boy on cover Nintendo US $30
Mario’s Tennis Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Red Alarm Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Teleroboxer Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine
Virtual Boy Card Nintendo Power US inc w/ magazine

Have you still selling a virtual boy with displays fixed?

I´m interesting only in the screen displays.. Send a pm if you’re interested


Thanks for your interest, but the system has been sold, shipped, & received by a happy Canadian.

Please see the Google Docs spreadsheet for the latest availability prices:





The last few items of my near-complete (and now, nearly completely sold) Virtual Boy collection are listed on eBay as honest-to-goodness auctions with no reserve or BIN, all starting at $9.99.

Kemco Baseball ’95 [JP]
Panic Bomber [JP]
T & E Tournament Golf [JP]
Teleroboxer [JP]
Vertical Force [JP]
Virtual Fishing [JP]

Have at ’em!



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