Original Post

EDIT: shows how new I am. Just found the high score section of the forum and… Literally all of these have been beaten by someone. So… These are actually not remotely interesting. Unless someone says otherwise I’m just going to delete these at the end of today and start tracking my own scores. I cannot believe some players have gotten a BILLION points on some tables. Insane. O_O

I recently joined the VB club! Ordered a unit from Japan. The listing on eBay didn’t say any games came with it, so I was surprised to find Baseball and Galactic Pinball in the box.

The pinball scores are stupidly high, and I was going to reset them (up, up, down, down, left, left, right, right, B, then A, at the high score table).

Then I thought… Hold on. Maybe these are worth preserving. Maybe they’re world records? Maybe this makes the cart kinda valuable? If I reset them I have no proof other than what I wrote down. No way to verify them.

Here are the scores:

1) 12,302,000 Y.O
2) 9,365,000 Y.O
3) 7,003,500 SYOJI.T
4) 6,580,500 Y.O
5) 6,239,000 Y.O

1) 12,496,800 CHIAKI.T
2) 8,178,700 CHIAKI.T
3) 6,842,900 CHIAKI.T
4) 5,101,000 SYOJI.T
5) 5,000,000 K.I

1) 102,742,500 SYOJI.T
2) 101,131,500 SYOJI.T
3) 78,022,000 SYOJI.T
4) 68,784,000 SYOJI.T
5) 59,726,500 SYOJI.T

1) 17,599,300 SYOJI.T
2) 12,120,100 Y.O
3) 11,014,700 SYOJI.T
4) 10,956,500 SYOJI.T
5) 10,764,900 CHIAKI.T

The UFO scores are absolutely outrageous. Are these normal? Is it a glitch or cheat to get them so high? The lowest score, 5 million, on Colony, I tried for last night. I played for a long time, and got 4.8 million, thinking that when it said puck x 1, I could lose one more, and it would go to puck x 0 in reserve, and I’d get the high score. So I was pretty chilled. But I lost it and… Game Over. This is one of those games where “lives = 1” means you are on your last life. There is no “lives = 0” scenario.

Anyway. Thoughts on these scores? Cart is an original legitimate cart from Japan.

Is it worth preserving this record somehow? Or can I just delete the SRAM and start my own scores?

If anyone wants the cart to verify, or beat the scores, or put it in some sort of back up device to extract the SRAM, you are welcome to do so, all I ask is for a straight swap of another copy of Galactic Pinball (an original, not repro).

Or maybe these scores are pretty low by community standards and this topic was pointless? I dunno – I’m pretty new to the VB scene!

I now have original copies of Pinball, Baseball, Red Alarm, Vert Force, Mario Clash, and Tennis. And from Vintex I’ve just ordered repros of Wario, Jack Bros, Bound High, Space Squash, and Innsmouth. I see Vintex64 posts here too – love your work! The FlashBoy+ I ordered has been great!

  • This topic was modified 5 months ago by Sketcz.
2 Replies

Hi there,
welcome to the VB community.

Yes, the highscores are that high, people had nearly 30 years to create them, so yes, they are that high 😉

Yeah, these on the cart weren’t even that close – none of them were 1 billion.

I wiped the cart (bye bye forever), and managed to get 4.5 million on Colony. I suspect I won’t be posting mine any time soon.

The tables feel a little empty to me – lots of empty space in the middle, with the interactive stuff near the very top of the tables. Not sure I can envision staying on one table until hitting a billion. My favourite pinball game is Battle Pinball on SFC – my short attention span needs gimmicks.


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