Original Post

Chris is tied up with exams for the next 3 months. So, I will be both making and distributing them now.

If you want one, you need to send me a donor cart. This will guarantee you get a cart (a sort of pre-order).

I will be making these on a one-by-one basis, so be prepared to wait at least 2 weeks from the donor cart getting to me and your FlashBoy+ being dispatched.

The package will consist of the cart and USB cable (no box) the new price of $100 (+shipping) reflects this.

Anyway, if you are interested, please Email me at –



211 Replies

This is great news for the VB community, thanks for your efforts on this! While I already have my non Plus FlashBoy, I really love being able to play every game released for the VB and I hope others will enjoy this as well. Without the FlashBoy I would probably not have been this happy with my VB.

Would have been nice if we talked about that before, Richard, as I am sitting on tons of donor carts and box prints. So, in theory, we would be able to offer those to the people as an option. (Boxes probably for self-assembly.) Should be cheaper and more convenient for most people than having to send in a donor cart. And they get a box. 😉 Please let me know if that’s an option.

“The package will consist of the cart and USB cable (no box) the new price of $100 (+shipping) reflects this.”
No box is one thing but no CD with the software either?

MineStorm wrote:
Chris is tied up with exams for the next 3 months. So, I will be both making and distributing them now.

If you want one, you need to send me a donor cart. This will guarantee you get a cart (a sort of pre-order).

I will be making these on a one-by-one basis, so be prepared to wait at least 2 weeks from the donor cart getting to me and your FlashBoy+ being dispatched.

The package will consist of the cart and USB cable (no box) the new price of $100 (+shipping) reflects this.

Anyway, if you are interested, please Email me at –



Just emailed you.

Also I asked this question in the email but I figured I would ask here for others as well. Is the price $100 in US dollars, euros, or pounds?


Last time I checked $ did not mean euro or pounds -_-

akumie wrote:
Last time I checked $ did not mean euro or pounds -_-

I have seen my fare share of confusion over people using the wrong symbol. Also I know that all the older FlashBoys have been sold in euros and I see MineStorm is located in GB so I just wanted to make sure.

I am sitting on tons of donor carts

Hang on to them, they may be needed for Vaughanabe13’s cart.

and box prints.

I never saw the point of having a box. I don’t supply one with my other carts. But if folks really do want one (so they can get $455 on EBay) they can always buy direct from you.

No box is one thing but no CD with the software either?

The latest driver is available from my page – http://www.vectrex.biz

Everything else that was on the CD, can be obtained here.

Last time I checked $ did not mean euro or pounds -_-

Instead of spending your time just adding snidey remarks to posts, why don’t you actually contribute something to the community ?

Write a game / make some hardware etc

I wonder if more then 5% of people who joined this site knows how to use source code^^

Sorry I tried once, so hard

If it was easy you would be flooded by vb games


I recently asked KR155E if there is any new information about a new flashboy+ patch I pre-ordered last year. He told me to take a look at this topic.

I was really looking forward to the ordered flahboy, but I’m very disappointed about this new solution. The first problem is that Richard lives – according to his profile – in the U.K.. So I think the postal costs are much higher than before (for me). I also have to criticize the fact that I have to donate one of my games now and according to this I have to pay the high postal costs 2 times. The new price of the flashboy is 100 U.S. dollars. I know that this isn’t not more expensive but I’d like to pay in euros. The fact that there is no box is also a bit dissapointing – Of course, Richard said that the cart itself is the main thing to focus on but the box looked very nice and it would also protect the cart. And if the “producer”, in this case Richard, sells the item on his own, I wish that I’ll get the complete game. Only the cart with a cable do not look like that, especially because there were already complete ones to buy.

Well, some things only belong to me (my country), but I really find that this was a bad idea and I don’t know if I want to buy a Flashboy+ any more… 🙁 sorry

kr funderos

Don’t buy one then. It’s your choice.

Hey everyone.

I recently e-mailed Richard about a FlashBoy+ and asked him where to mail a donor cart to. He informed me that I didn’t have to send him a donor cart at all because he recently got a whole box of them.

Thus, if you are looking to get a FlashBoy+, make sure that you e-mail Richard to see if you need to send a donor cart first, before assuming that you have to and buying a cheap game to mail to him.


That is correct, I have a small batch of cases right now. So if you want a FlashBoy+ you will not have to send me a donor cart.

I receive my Flash Boy+,perfect, thank you very much ! 🙂

Hello everyone,

Is the Flashboy + still being produced? If so, I’d be interested in getting one. I love the VB and it would be awesome to be able to play some more games on it!

Are the ROMs available here on this site?

Thanks for any help.


Is the Flashboy + still being produced?

Yes, Email me if you want one

Are the ROMs available here on this site?

Yes (you need to register to get access)

I’ve one on order and I’m super pumped. Posting here as an abstract bump that they’re still available as of 11/10/2011.

kuskus wrote:
I’ve one on order and I’m super pumped. Posting here as an abstract bump that they’re still available as of 11/10/2011.

Thats good to know. I hope you have fun with your Flashboy.

Hey Richard. If someone was going to buy a Flashboy would they have to mail any donor carts to you first?
I’m thinking about asking for one for christmas, or buying one after the holidays, and was wanting to find that out.

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 4 months ago by VBrulez.

I reiceibed my flashboy+ this moth and works exelent, richard ask 3 cartridge for make one bound high, I will send soon the 3 games!



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