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Happy new year to all on pvb! Wishing you all the best.

10 Replies

Happy New Year and 20th Anniversary Year of the Virtual Boy to all!

I was wondering if the (C) 2000-2014 PLANET VIRTUAL BOY would change to 2000-2015 on January 1. It did. Anyway, happy 2015.

Happy new year! Any year starting off with me not being called in to work has got to be a good year!

Happy new year to all PVB members!

Happy New Year everyone!

I have a feeling the 20th Anniversary will be great. My game is on a good way, even though I only worked a couple of days on it during the last two month.

Happy new “I’m gonna stop talking-big-without-delivering-on-it” day! (-:

Happy New Year! Here marks the beginning of the year of the Virtual Boy (or the year it turns 20)!

Did anyone else start the year playing some Virtual Boy?
Jack Bros and Hyper Fighting were my choices, although I didn’t do so well, it’s hard to play after a few drinks =P

Happy 2015 guys!

Happy new year, everyone. 🙂

Happy New Year all! Lets hope for a good VB year which will hopefully include a VB virtual console for the 3DS, one of my long standing wishes. Will certainly continue playing the real thing, but this would really make playing VB games on the road easier 😉


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