I am having a blast with Wario Land. While it is short, it is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played, and it’s really fun trying to get all of the possible endings.
Now, I am confused on how to get the Playboy bunny ending. I originally beat the game over 2 hours with all treasures on easy mode, and I got an ending with Wario on a carpet with a happy bottle and a map. Later, I beat hard mode UNDER 2 hours with ALL treasures. No playboy bunny, only the same ending except with the Awazon Genie coming out of the bottle, rowing Wario home on the carpet( so awesome ). Can you guys help me out? Thanks.
P.S. I wonder what the map is? I get what the bottle contains.
Also, the text for Best time for hard mode is upside down for some reason, which the developers must have forgot.
After reading the Endings Guide on this site again, I’ve determined that I must have gotten the best ending when I beat the game because I recall a woman sitting on the carpet with me, and it seems that there are no variations of women that can be sitting on the carpet with you. I just don’t remember her looking like a playboy bunny, so don’t expect it to be too exciting ;-). I performed a speed run on the game when I beat it on the first quest and the second quest. My time for the first quest was 0:30:16, and my time for the second quest was 0:39:25. I didn’t bother trying to collect coins or anything, just beat it as fast as possible while getting all the treasures. Perhaps the target time to beat is under 1 hour? I can’t remember if she appeared at the end of both quests or not, but I definitely remember seeing a woman on the carpet at least once, so perhaps try to beat both quests in under 1 hour, while getting all the treasures each time, and see if you get her.
Also, I’m not sure if you were kidding or not, but the upside down best time for the second quest was something intentionally done by the developers of the game. One meaning of “upside down” is that something is in total disorder or confusion, so I believe they intentionally made the best time for the second quest upside down to show that there is much disorder in the second quest due to the extra obstacles and stuff that seem out of place and that give you extra troubles.
This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by Benjamin Stevens.