Original Post

my right eye has the glitchy display and i was planning on doing the oven method, but how to I open the thing? Can someone link me to where i can get that special security screwdriver to bust it open, or perhaps a more homemade way of getting them open? Thanks

3 Replies

here is a guide that helped me: http://www.projectvb.com/dissect.html

i went the gamebit route as i had access to a grinder at the time. i made it thinner until it fit and then used a dremel to notch a slot for a screwdriver in the top.

after you open it, consider replacing the security screws. i used these: http://www.grattanfasteners.com/ItemForm.aspx?item=065003&Category=9442bbcb-92a2-4178-b89e-6e8e0efa0cd2

they are the right size, thread count, etc, for the virtual boy. most local hardware stores will stock them in an 8 or 12 pack for around $2.

That’s another nice guide, but BEWARE OF STEP 14!!!
Don’t touch those screws or you will end up with misaligned displays!

For the love of all that is red and full of 3D happiness, please read my PM before you attempt this!


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