Original Post

I thought it might be fun to have a contest for best eInk art for display on the HyperFlash32 eInk display. Winner will get a free HyperFlash32 cart ($150 value). This contest is open to anyone, even existing buyers. I’ll refund your cart price if you’ve already paid or give you a second free one.

The idea is to generate eInk labels that would be associated with a loaded ROM file. This is flashed to the screen so that you know what game is currently programmed. It’s meant as a changeable game label.

You can see the visible area of the image below in the picture of approximately 226 x 168 pixels set within a 264 x 176 frame. Your image needs to be 264 x 176 in size but only the 226×168 offset image will be visible once on the cart. Image needs to be in 4 gray shades to match the display: black, white, and two intermediate shades. Saved as a 24bit BMP file (this is what I need to convert to an eInk format). I’ve also attached an image showing an example 4 shades of gray available on the display, as well as some images I’ve done already. Be aware that the images I’ve done in the examples are NOT offset properly. To keep everything consistent in the conversion on my end lets use gray levels 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000,0xC0C0C0, and 0x808080.

The images I’ve done were ripped/modified from various existing labels/places. This may not be the best approach as they were not originally designed for a 4 grayscale display. But I won’t restrict people in any way. Feel free to do what you think is best.

For judging, I’ll put the images on an eInk display and pick my favorite 3. I was going to let the community vote via a poll, but someone brought to my attention that cheating would be very easy via a poll. So I’ll be the judge on this one but I’ll pick my top 3 favorites. Then I’ll randomly pick out of a hat from the top three for the final grand prize. I’ll pick the top 3 on May 1st. Then select the top one. I’m likely to have a 2nd and 3rd place prize as well. TBD on what those are.

To enter, just post your image here in this thread when its ready. By posting and entering the contest you’re open to letting others use your image on their own personal HyperFlash carts. The idea is to share labels.

Let me know if you have any questions. I reserve the right to modify the contest slightly just in case some issues arise that I didn’t think of but the general idea will remain untouched.

  • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by mellott124.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by mellott124.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by mellott124.
165 Replies

tydyedsyko wrote:
How can I be sure I am using “true black and whites”? I do not have photoshop or anything =/

You’ll have to check the color’s HEX#

Should be:
Black : #000000
Gray 1: #808080
Gray 2: #c0c0c0
White: #FFFFFF

There are some free image editing softwares that you can download and use. 🙂
Like Gimp!

ImageJ is another one that is easy to use to check gray levels.
I use Gimp as well.

Here’s the Greenleaf one. I had to tweak the thresholding though so you need to adjust your gray levels. With some work this label could work.


Re-posting my Mario Clash one since I needed to readjust its gray levels.

V-SNES wrote:
Re-posting my Mario Clash one since I needed to readjust its gray levels.

That works. Nice job. I won’t repost because it looks like the one I posted with the red PCB cover. I just don’t have to tweak anything now.

I like the previews on the actual display, very cool!

Here is my second entry.

Can something like this be done?

indcsion wrote:
Can something like this be done?

Sure. You’ll want to play with the grays. There’s a lot of it in this image and it will look flat.
I’ll put it on the display and show you what it looks like.

Is there any good scans of virtual boy cart art?

They might look cool as pencil sketches.

Im just giving ideas because Ive never done this before. This one looks more black and white.

Here are my submissions for a certain Virtual Boy horror game… I made a few variations… … I could probably keep nitpicking and working on them, but I’m satisfied enough now to avoid going on forever with it. Feel free to let me know if there are any problems though.


indcsion wrote:
Im just giving ideas because Ive never done this before. This one looks more black and white.


You need to change your images size to 264×176. They’re all too big.


The Red Menace wrote:
Here are my submissions for a certain Virtual Boy horror game… I made a few variations… … I could probably keep nitpicking and working on them, but I’m satisfied enough now to avoid going on forever with it. Feel free to let me know if there are any problems though.

I’m posting only two of your images here with the outlined text because it again shows that text looks best with an outline. I like both the white and black versions.

I checked your gray levels and they’re not the correct values. That’s why the scene has lost a gray level. Update them and I’ll rerun. I’d recommend your versions with text outlined by the opposite gray shade. Once you fix the gray levels these should look pretty good. You can see the last attachment where I adjusted the thresholds specifically for your image.

I think moving forward I’ll only test images that are in the correct format. Otherwise I have to rerun images.

Here’s your adjusted image framed. Pretty nice.

mellott124 wrote:

I’m posting only two of your images here with the outlined text because it again shows that text looks best with an outline. I like both the white and black versions.

I checked your gray levels and they’re not the correct values. That’s why the scene has lost a gray level. Update them and I’ll rerun. I’d recommend your versions with text outlined by the opposite gray shade. Once you fix the gray levels these should look pretty good. You can see the last attachment where I adjusted the thresholds specifically for your image.

I think moving forward I’ll only test images that are in the correct format. Otherwise I have to rerun images.

Okay thanks, I was a bit worried they might have some issues with the grey levels. And to be honest I’m not entirely sure how to get them to the correct levels, so if you could just tell me how you fixed the one that actually worked, that’d be sweet (and I’d probably do all 8 for the sake of it).

Anyway, thanks for a bunch for all your hard work on this project, and for adjusting one of my images so I could see how it looks on the cart itself – I’m quite pleased with how it looks! 🙂

The Red Menace wrote:

mellott124 wrote:

I’m posting only two of your images here with the outlined text because it again shows that text looks best with an outline. I like both the white and black versions.

I checked your gray levels and they’re not the correct values. That’s why the scene has lost a gray level. Update them and I’ll rerun. I’d recommend your versions with text outlined by the opposite gray shade. Once you fix the gray levels these should look pretty good. You can see the last attachment where I adjusted the thresholds specifically for your image.

I think moving forward I’ll only test images that are in the correct format. Otherwise I have to rerun images.

Okay thanks, I was a bit worried they might have some issues with the grey levels. And to be honest I’m not entirely sure how to get them to the correct levels, so if you could just tell me how you fixed the one that actually worked, that’d be sweet (and I’d probably do all 8 for the sake of it).

Anyway, thanks for a bunch for all your hard work on this project, and for adjusting one of my images so I could see how it looks on the cart itself – I’m quite pleased with how it looks! 🙂

In Gimp you would go to map and then color exhange. Then just select your gray level and map to another one. You only have 4 levels so it should be quick to do. Make sure you map to FFFFFF, C0C0C0, 808080, and 00000. Then it would be good. Gimp is free to download.

I did it all in photoshop, and those are the shades it should have used when I replaced the colours (it seems like it doesn’t want to use them though – maybe it gets an average between the existing colour and what you’ve selected to replace it with? If not, something else has to be going on since it evidently didn’t use the greys it should have). I guess I’ll just get gimp and adjust it there since it’s a proven method. Thanks.

The Red Menace wrote:
I did it all in photoshop, and those are the shades it should have used when I replaced the colours (it seems like it doesn’t want to use them though – maybe it gets an average between the existing colour and what you’ve selected to replace it with? If not, something else has to be going on since it evidently didn’t use the greys it should have). I guess I’ll just get gimp and adjust it there since it’s a proven method. Thanks.

I think it was just an issue with my thresholds, everything should be in order now though. Going back to fix them, I found it easier to define them correctly in gimp over photoshop so that it would actually replace with the proper greys. Once I got used to it I did them all pretty quickly. Hopefully this will work better and I haven’t messed anything up this time. 😛



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