Original Post

I’ve been working on Rotostellar for 2 years and it finally launched yesterday! (available worldwide except China and Hong Kong)

It’s a vector style arcade game inspired by late 70s, early 80s arcade machines and home consoles (Vectrex). The game is 100% free, no ads, no in-app purchases. Available on iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.

App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/rotostellar/id1439042487

Website: https://rotostellar.com/

App Preview on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW5oQAaGp7s

And here’s a secret I haven’t posted about anywhere else…
In survival mode, when you achieve a score of 32 you unlock the “VR95” color theme, inspired by my favorite system the Virtual Boy! :vb:

10 Replies

Not an iphone user so I can’t play, but sweet looking game nonetheless!

Awesome! Just tell me when this is available on the VB. I think it would fit

I agree! It would work very well on VB! I made it to level 52 🙂 VB graphics look cool!!!!


That game would also look great as a port for the Vectrex, “Malban” from Germany converted the game “Release” for that console and it was and still is a huge hit within the community.

I tried it but couldn’t get very far; I guess I’m just not any good at this type of game.

VectrexRoli wrote:
That game would also look great as a port for the Vectrex, “Malban” from Germany converted the game “Release” for that console and it was and still is a huge hit within the community.

A Vectrex port would be awesome.
What forum/website would you consider the “main” Vectrex community?

I know of:

Also… I’ve watched quite a few of your YouTube videos over the years, thanks for those!

Both forums are not bad, I guess most things are happening in the “Vectrex Fans Unite!” Facebook group, that group was the only reason why I did join Facebook. 😉

Too bad I’m an android user but it looks really good. Nicely done!

Thanks for all the nice feedback/comments!

Now that Rotostellar has been out for a few weeks the price is back to normal. If you got the game while it was free and want to support me, check out the shop.
There’s a $2 digital pack (no shipping), stickers, shirts and phone cases.

I’m also currently researching other platforms to release the game on.


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