So, a couple days ago, I recieved a Virtual Boy for a fair price. Unfortunately, the screen wouldn’t display anything, but the sound works fine. I tried to fix it the baking method, but to no avail. Then, when I tried to remove it, I forgot the screws were still on, and now the ribbon cable is seperate from the board. Am I screwed or is there a fix for this?
That’s unfortunate, but I bet if you glue the two pieces back together, and solder all the traces, it could work again (and be permanently innoculated against ever needing the oven fix!) Without soldering it, hot glue will definitely not help.
I’d be willing to try soldering it if you don’t want to try it yourself. I’ve soldered a few VB units with great success. Let me know if you want to work something out.
Oh wow! After that it likely would need to be soldered together to make sure the connections are good. There are people who may do them locally (depending if you have a local game shop or gaming group. Otherwise there are people who do them for $20 if you ship the pieces to them!