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Virty the Virtual Boy of course!

It was AWESOME! much better than that silly issue of Nickelodeon magazine I had that was in 3-D

one question I have though: are the games supposed to be really small (picture wise, not story wise)? smaller than the gameboy? is that normal functioning or is my Virtual Boy broken or not set up correctly?

Thankfully there were no lines or scrambling but my IPD dial was kinda stuck at first πŸ˜›

also, Virtual Boy, (unlike most games) made me laugh! but not in the “hahaha this sucks! PS3 is the best” way that some haters say, but the “hahaha! this is really fun!” way

and have any of you ever got a sudden extreme happiness (like being a little child ripping open gifts under a christmas tree) while playing Virtual Boy? its the best thing since the Nintendo Gameboy (thanks Mr. Yokoi!)

I admit I only played a few minutes but thats because I’m not really into sports games… I hope to get Wario Land since its more adventure-y and because Wario is my favorite game character

geez, I’m still giggling like a little child in a candy shop πŸ˜›

*continues to hum the Mario’s Tennis theme* πŸ˜€

23 Replies

Any nintendo cartridge from the snes and later, and also multiple nes carts have batteries. ot the mention nearly every gameboy game!

Just think of the horror of a VB cartridge battery deciding to leak on your head! You’ll have to spend the rest of your life without a brain!

DogP wrote:
You know that a lot of the carts have batteries inside them as well, right? OH NOES!!!


Yes I do know πŸ˜›

DogP wrote:
You know that a lot of the carts have batteries inside them as well, right? OH NOES!!!




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