I’ve decided that since I have absolutely no experience whatsoever playing RPGs, that I am not a good candidate of programming one, so instead, I’m going to work on a fighting game (while I also have no experience playing a fighting game, I’d figure it’d be a lot easier programming one than an RPG.) So here’s my latest brainchild: Insect Combat. Right now, it’s just a warning screen and a title screen. The only two characters I’ve thought of so far are Gi-Ant and Behe-Moth. Any other punny names you guys can think of would also be appreciated.
Well, it’s a pretty good first attempt, as far as it goes. Like any good piece of engineering, it solves the problem it was created to solve. π
Attached is an (untested) implementation of the system I described above. I hope it solves the problem as well as (or better than ;-)) your code, or at least gives someone an idea or two…
- This reply was modified 15 years ago by RunnerPack.
Why won’t it show the complete fighter pictures? I’ve been working on this again and when I went to the choose fighter screen, I get what’s in the picture below.
VirtualChris wrote:
Why won’t it show the complete fighter pictures? I’ve been working on this again and when I went to the choose fighter screen, I get what’s in the picture below.
I think it works well, you change:
copymem((void*)CharSeg0, (void*)YOUCHAR, 256*16);
copymem((void*)BGMap(0), (void*)YOUMAP, 256*16);
copymem((void*)CharSeg0, (void*)YOUCHAR, 512*16);
copymem((void*)BGMap(0), (void*)YOUMAP, 512*16);
Merry Christmas!!
Hi, I’m back! Here’s what I have so far. No matter which fighters you pick, you are always Killipede and the computer opponent is Gi Ant. Now, the game doesn’t do really much of anything so far. However, you are in the Hive of Doom (Rumblebee’s fighting place). The computer doesn’t do anything, but you can jump using A and walk around the place. What I need to do next is to obviously design some better-looking fighters or have someone else volunteer to (the Killipede and Gi Ant designs are placeholders). I want them to be half the size they are now, they’re just too darn big to jump over, and I don’t want half the body off-screen while they’re jumping over each other. And after that, design some more fighting places, like outside an ant hill (for Gi Ant), stuff like that. I also need to work some more on the jumping code, especially line 286. The problem lies in how to make the fighter land when jumptimer<31 and you quit pressing A to jump. When should falltimer stop?
There! I fixed the stupid problem I was having with the jumping. I also made the “INSECT COMBAT” on the fighter choosing screen scroll diagonally and made a humorous warning screen. I also fixed the issue with the text on the fighting screen I was having. Now I need some new fighter images, preferrably something similar to what’s on the choose fighter screen for in-game.
Added music and two new fighters: Slaying Mantis and Panzer Dragonfly. So now there’s eight fighters total.
Anyone want to help me with the in-game fighter sprites? I’d like them to at least sort of look like the ones in the “select fighter” screens, and about double the size (which would be half the size of my temporary Gi-Ant and Killipede sprites I have in there now.) And I also need help with some backgrounds, too, for example: Gi-Ant would be fighting near an anthill, etc.
Added some in-game sfx. Walk up to the computer controlled player (who can’t move yet) and press B to punch him. He’ll say three different things depending on the value of the sfx timer. I haven’t played a fighting game before, so I’m just guessing on how I would like one to be programmed, but if I’m completely wrong as I go along, please tell me.
This game reminds me Fly-Fu for psp, did you try it? Not bad.
I can’t be of any help for this project, but i’m a fan of Insect Combat! π
This game looks like a lot of fun. I hope you have good luck with this one. I could be able to help with graphics and some programming.
I need some help designing good in-game fighter sprites. Could you help me?
What resolution are the sprites that I might be making? Also the colors would be (0, 0, 0), (85, 0, 0), (170, 0, 0) and (255, 0, 0). Right? I could try making a few samples.
I want them to be about half the size the sample ones that are in now are. I think you’re right about the colors.
Just an Idea before you get to programming the movement for the characters I think it would be a cool idea because incects are segmented to work with two directional pads one for the front part and the other for the back part and you do a number of fighting moves using this control scheme let me know what you think :thumpup: :thumpdown:
morintari wrote:
Just an Idea before you get to programming the movement for the characters I think it would be a cool idea because incects are segmented to work with two directional pads one for the front part and the other for the back part and you do a number of fighting moves using this control scheme let me know what you think :thumpup: :thumpdown:
This will require to think deeper into it, but basically this sounds like an interesting idea. π
the shoulder buttons could act as action buttons. Forward on the left D-pad and up on the right D pad could cause your insect to rear up on its back legs, the shoulder button could cause it to strike forward. But if only the shoulder buttons were pressed the insect would jump with all of it’s legs it’s like the shoulder button causes it to preform the movement pre-determained by the two D-pads working together.another example would be pressing the forward on the left D-pad and backward on the right D-pad causing the insect to rear up on it’s hind legs and block.
Also since there are no copyrights I think it would be cool if there was a fatality system simular to eternal champions the fatalities could be triggered by the backgrounds for example a stage where an ant lion is in the background among hills like in Actraiser. and another stage where you are jumping among llilypads and frogs are in the background waiting to devour the loser also I think because it is an incect combat game there should be a secret stage that is a picnic anyway just some thoughts π‘
Those are some very interesting ideas, morintari! I don’t even like fighting games that much, and I’m still intrigued at the thought of playing such a game π (Actually… programming it sounds kinda fun, too ;-))
That sounds interesting, but please make the controls more intuitive than QWOP – http://www.foddy.net/Athletics.html π
Hi, here’s an updated version of Insect Combat. Nothing really new here except for the 3D in the title screen and fighter select screens. Also, if anyone has a Flash Boy, please tell me if the game even works, and if so, how the 3D effect is.
Hey guys I watched a documentery on Insects today. It seems that a preying mantis eats the head of it’s victim first then digests the body. So I got to thinking mabe if the head and intersection of the torso could be danger points to quickly finish your opponent. The life bar could be for the overall health of your opponent, but multiple strikes in the face could rip off it’s head or multiple hits where the insect is segmented could dis-embowel the insect. I normally don’t like games like Mortal Kombat but to me this would be like really fighting in nature we’ll have to see what the etemologist thinks about these ideas though. π