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Hey Everyone,
Recently I made a few reproduction games for myself, and Lester Knight asked if I would be interested in making repros for the community
(reference this post http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=6747&post_id=37230 )

are reproductions in demand? is no one making any?

I may be interested in doing them, but only if a few things lined up. I don’t make or have access to the PCB design files, those came from MineStorm. I don’t like making repros of games that exist (unless its a modified version such as a translation). As well as I wouldn’t feel right making repros of homebrews or translations, unless the people who put the time and effort into making or translating the game were okay with it and got a kick back. (as would MineStorm if he was willing to sell his PCBs for any reproduction work) I’m not sure what the price of the repros would be with the donor games (and other materials), the cut for the coders, MineStorms cut, and a bit for me for my work as well.

I’m not saying I’m going to be doing this, not sure if I’m 100% willing or have the time, but if I did, and all the stars lined up, would there be an actual demand?

I just find it hard to believe there’s not a bunch of people doing this, as with SNES/NES/Genesis there’s quite a number of repro makers (I used to be one)

What are your your thoughts?

38 Replies

I’d be interested for sure. Especially for some of the translated games. It’d be nice to have their own dedicated cartridge, so I can keep the flash boy for development.

Speaking of, once I finally finish up my own game (finally stopped re-writing the code to make actual progress), I’d love having it made to a cart like that – so certainly another reason I’d be for it.

I’m sure others are on a similar page too, in either or both cases.

While I probably wouldn’t buy any unless games that weren’t ever released on here in CIB formats started to become available.

But I definitely like the idea of having a Planet Virtual Boy approved carts and the like available. Especially since the people who actually developed the games would be aware and even get compensated a bit.

I’m more then willing to help with supplies.

what did i start? this seems like a great idea. this community could benefit from other sources of cart production as would future homebrew development. i’m rooting for not making CIB releases, just carts. i’ll keep an eye on this thread to see which way it goes. i’ll probably have something more to add when the price point comes up for discussion.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Lester Knight.

I know I’d be interested! I’d really love to try some of those more obscure Virtual Boy games, but getting a FlashBoy is expensive, and I can never seem to get anything ‘ROM + Retro Gaming’ to work right, plus, it kinda takes away part of the retro gaming charm to me. Being able to one-handedly pull out a nice fat stack of VB games and say it’s nearly the thing’s whole game library it just too great to lose in my opinion.

One thing I would suggest (if you are planning to pursue this further (which I hope that you can do)), is to make it a bit more apparent that the repros, are repros. You wouldn’t want someone to buy them from you and then sell it off to a newbie VB collector at the full value of the genuine version, simply because they don’t know any better. Maybe try to minimally print ‘Reproduction’ somewhere on the label, and/or use different custom artwork.

Good luck with this project! 😉

Dr.Crackers wrote:
I know I’d be interested! I’d really love to try some of those more obscure Virtual Boy games, but getting a FlashBoy is expensive, and I can never seem to get anything ‘ROM + Retro Gaming’ to work right, plus, it kinda takes away part of the retro gaming charm to me. Being able to one-handedly pull out a nice fat stack of VB games and say it’s nearly the thing’s whole game library it just too great to lose in my opinion.

One thing I would suggest (if you are planning to pursue this further (which I hope that you can do)), is to make it a bit more apparent that the repros, are repros. You wouldn’t want someone to buy them from you and then sell it off to a newbie VB collector at the full value of the genuine version, simply because they don’t know any better. Maybe try to minimally print ‘Reproduction’ somewhere on the label, and/or use different custom artwork.

Good luck with this project! 😉

I believe the OP suggested that he wasn’t comfortable to do games that had a release, which I agree with. Otherwise, even on homebrew carts, I think it would be a cool idea to have the PVB logo somewhere on the label.

i hope that we reach a point when consent has been given and carts for all existing CIB releases can be made. I would like to see games in the hands of every VB gamer who wants or needs them.

when a new batch of PCBs are ordered, it would be nice to see some type of marking or writing placed on the PCB that differentiates it from what came before and also from retail carts. i feel like, artistically and for posterity, this is the way to mark all future carts.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Lester Knight.

As long as the price was comparable to the price of the Flashboy/past repros, I’d probably be on board for one or two.

litephiter wrote:
As long as the price was comparable to the price of the Flashboy/past repros, I’d probably be on board for one or two.

considering a lower price point than $75+ is why i am suggesting cart only releases. perhaps with a donor trade-in policy (2 or 3 carts) the price for manufacturing a reproduction could become even lower than expected.

a 3rd party group or a single member could always offer separately the complete CIB experience for those who want it. by making that content a separate option the initial cost for gaming should go down.

Hey Everyone,
I would say stay tuned. I feel somethings a (home)brewing and there may be reproduction details coming. Figuring out everything right now.

Here’s my rough draft of ideas for now. Nothing is set in stone, things can, and most likely will change between the time of this post and what may end up being the thing that happens at the end.

I’m working on getting a PCB supplier now. MineStorm has sent me his remaining stock (which I didn’t even ask him for, he’s just that cool!) and I have a 2nd source (not sure if I should be naming names as of yet) willing to help as well. So a lot of supplies, which was one thing I was worried about. So I can check that off the list. Now comes the next parts

Things to figure out:
Talking to coders to see what/if they want as a kick back and get their “OK”
Will Donor carts be mandatory? or can I find a supply myself?
How hard would it be to do a bi-weekly/monthly thing, for example, is it possible to do a free for all and take orders (usually in small manageable batches like 20 give or take)? or do what I’ve done in the past with my NES/SNES reproductions and say “this batches title is XYZ!” and take orders that way, not to say if you missed “XYZ” theres only one batch before i move onto the next title, and if you missed your chance your SOL. I’d do a looping cycle, so after a few batches “XYZ” will return to the front of the line and so on. (I have a feeling this would be the method I do)

ok so I may be doing a test batch of a game. Not taking any spots for it yet, but curious, which game would you like to see first? (Keeping in mind, only doing fan translations, unreleased games, and homebrews). Once I get a feel whats the most in demand game for the first one, I can contact whoever’s involved with the ROM and get the ball rolling

I’m not the best in writing, so does all that make sense?

Thanks Everyone!

(oh! P.S. they would be carts only, I don’t have the resources to do boxes at this moment)

I like the looping build cycle, which should help get games into every gamers hands who wants/needs them. there is also the idea of building carts on-demand, as orderes are placed by a customer.

My thoughts on donors is not to require them if possible, while perhaps offering discounts to those willing to supply them.

I would love to see Hunter finished and released, until that dream can come true, a second carts only release of Fish Bone or Blox seem like good ideas

I can supply cart parts and donor carts if you need them.


Virtual Fishing is the only translated game that doesn’t have a repo yet. I talked to Tusk a while ago and he did want to make a cib run. However, I haven’t heard from him since.

If you want to make repos of it just go for it. I don’t want money, just one or two free copies.

Oh yeah, I’d totally go for a translated Virtual Fishing. Good call, Thunderstruck!

thunderstruck wrote:
Virtual Fishing is the only translated game that doesn’t have a repo yet. I talked to Tusk a while ago and he did want to make a cib run. However, I haven’t heard from him since.

If you want to make repos of it just go for it. I don’t want money, just one or two free copies.

They are definitely in the works. Just been trying to get everything lined up. CIB will be coming soon. As well as a small run of CIB Insecticide first!

does anyone know if the translated VF carts on eBay have a battery on the PCB?

Lester Knight wrote:
does anyone know if the translated VF carts on eBay have a battery on the PCB?

I didn’t even know they exist. Do you have a link?

I made one for myself,
they do have a battery, it’s the same as the original Japan cart, a battery is used to save scores and such. Pretty neat!, if I get this repro thing going, it’ll be def one of the games I do.

thunderstruck wrote:
Virtual Fishing is the only translated game that doesn’t have a repo yet. I talked to Tusk a while ago and he did want to make a cib run. However, I haven’t heard from him since.

If you want to make repos of it just go for it. I don’t want money, just one or two free copies.

Thanks for the okay, this will either be the first or second one I do

One thing I like to do, is to make my games stand out, as well as not hurt value(?) of other reproductions is to design or arrange my own label art. I’m no artist, so I wont be creating new content, but I’m pretty good at making some neat designs for labels with stuff I find online. I’ve done 3 games for the NES over at NintendoAge and did the labels myself, and I think they came out pretty well, my favorite being the Goonies. I’ll get cracking at a V.Fishing one today

Ok V fishing wont be my first one, Uncle Tusk is doing a batch of them and I don’t wanna step on any toes. I did get my Fishing license label pretty much done. But for now I’ll get a hold of some of the home brewers and try to get their ok. I’ll wait until sometime after Tusk has his out before I do a batch. Pretty much I’m still in the planning stages. I got 2 labels done so far, and I got some parts coming, so It looks like I’m all geared up to do some repro’s in the near future. neat! I won’t be doing boxes or manuals, I don’t have the equipment to do a great job so I wont, buuutttt.. I think I can get Tusk my art files once the games are announced and you can buy just the cart from me, and if you want to make it a sweet CIB get your paper needs from him ^-^


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