Original Post

I started a topic ranking VB games, hoping for some discussion on what we like and don’t like, etc. And it was… marked as spam?

I’m not sure why.

I included a ranked tier image – was it this?

I also linked to an article I wrote, with an interview with the creator of Red Alarm. Was it this – is linking to outside articles frowned upon?

Or was there some sort of word combination which triggered a filter? Bit confused…

  • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 2 days ago by KR155E. Reason: Moved to proper forum
  • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 2 days ago by KR155E.
2 Replies

Is it you , John? Welcome to PVB! 🙂

Not sure why the topic was marked as spam, as the forum software doesn’t tell. But it’s unmarked now.

Hello Chris! Yes, it’s me. 🙂

I checked when we last emailed – it’s only taken me four years to sign up. In fairness, I only got my first Virtual Boy last week. I can finally play Red Alarm the way it was intended.

Thanks for the topic fix.


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