Original Post

Thought I’d start a new post (don’t want to keep hijacking Kevin’s)

The kit will comprise of 4 x plug halves (with the pins labelled) and wiring instructions to complete the cable (only basic soldering skill required).

I built one today, and the rough cost of parts was –

Cable (1M) – £1.89
USB pins (0.19 x 4) – £0.76
PCB’s (4) – £0.40
3D printed cases (4) – £0.40


Once I’ve tested the cable (need to send it to someone with 2 consoles) I will start selling the plugs (very cheaply).

28 Replies

Great that people can make their own now! Good luck with the project 🙂

Really hyped!! That’s a price I can afford :p

Can you post a picture of the finished cable?

I’m rubbish at soldering but would pick up a few to have a go! 🙂

Here’s some pics –

Very nicely done!

The red looks very nice indeed 🙂

Oh wow this looks great! I need to finally learn how to do some basic soldering so I can be prepared for this.

looks awesome, would love to buy one when you have them ready 🙂

Here’s a pic of the kit (coloured squares indicating which wire to solder)

Although, I’m thinking of supplying fully built cables instead.

Not for money, but for donor carts (which I’m always needing).


MineStorm wrote:
Here’s a pic of the kit (coloured squares indicating which wire to solder)

Although, I’m thinking of supplying fully built cables instead.

Not for money, but for donor carts (which I’m always needing).

How many donor carts? :).

now that we can build link cable, how far are we from building a rgb output device thru the link cable port? 😀

too bad I already ordered the more expensive cables, but hopefully they’ll atleast be built well etc 🙂 your price is insanely better.

How many donor carts? :).

Not sure, what do you think is a fair deal – 2 donors ?

MineStorm wrote:

How many donor carts? :).

Not sure, what do you think is a fair deal – 2 donors ?

I’d gladly offer 2 donors for a cable!

That looks like (an old version of) Hedgetrimmer’s link plug model (that he and I collaborated on). Is he okay with you selling them? It’d be nice to at least give him credit for the design.

We switched to a 3 piece design (with a solid nose and two rear shells) since the 2 piece version had a tendency to pop apart from the outward pressure at the nose, so gluing the halves together would probably be a good idea.


That looks like Hedgetrimmer’s link plug model


I’ve done a few alterations to it. Made the snap-fit and cable grip much tighter. I also increased the depth on the PCB area a little bit.

I’ve plugged one in and out of the port about 100 times, it’s very solid.

Is he okay with you selling them?

I’m waiting for his PM (he’s not been on the site for a couple of weeks).

It’d be nice to at least give him credit for the design.


the pics look great. ive been soldering for years, and can say this looks pretty easy. I definitely want one of these DIY kits when theyre ready.

Seam schrieb:
the pics look great. ive been soldering for years, and can say this looks pretty easy. I definitely want one of these DIY kits when theyre ready.

I agree. I’d love to buy a kit as well.

Elrinth wrote:
now that we can build link cable, how far are we from building a rgb output device thru the link cable port? 😀

We are really, really far from that if you want my opinion.No game have been designed to export video data throught the ext. port. The only viable way is to hack the VB to pick all data througth a FPGA board that will convert the signal:


Elrinth wrote:
now that we can build link cable, how far are we from building a rgb output device thru the link cable port? 😀

We are really, really far from that if you want my opinion.No game have been designed to export video data throught the ext. port. The only viable way is to hack the VB to pick all data througth a FPGA board that will convert the signal:



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