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As you know, we don’t have a link cable, or a suitable connector available for the VB. There’s several ways to make a cable that works, but in the end, it’s mostly ugly hacks for development/prototyping. I’ve been trying to come up with a way to make a quality cable that would just plug in… but so far have been unsuccessful.

So… it got me thinking… how about just making a proper cable? I contacted a custom part manufacturer (who I’ve used parts from in the past), and they said they could do it, but of course wouldn’t be “cheap”. I sort of based my design thoughts on the SNES A/V connector, which includes a plastic shell with crimp pins. So, I found some crimp pins which should work, but I didn’t have any way to make a 3D model of the plastic shell.

Well, of course I asked Hedgetrimmer (our resident 3D modeling expert), and he created a GREAT model of a plastic shell to house the pins. With that, I was able to verify with the MFG that it could be made, as well as get an estimate for price.

So, now here’s the question. They were right… it’s not cheap. A complete link cable would cost about $40, since the quantity would be so low. At this price, how many would be interested (and how many)? Would anyone want just the connector/pins?

There’d probably only be about 50 cables made, and this would probably be the only run, since I’m assuming the demand would be low. I don’t mind investing the money (and probably losing quite a bit on this project), since I think it’s a very worthwhile project… but, if I’m the only one that has any interest in it, there’s no point in even considering it further.

But, IMO this seems like a good time to pursue this, since homebrew is continually advancing, and I think linked homebrew has been held down by lack of link cable. Also, I assume some will be buying the new Flashboy, even though they already have an old Flashboy… so with two flash carts, why not have a cable to link the systems?

Of course, if there’s an unanticipated large interest in this, the price would come down… but we’re a pretty small community, and the homebrew crowd is really the only market for this.


381 Replies

Wow, this is pretty amazing. Definitely looking to get one once I have a VB, even if nobody else around me does :p


If I’ve sent you an email about your cable being ready and you haven’t replied by tomorrow, I’m going to move down the list to the next person.

i think i would want one 🙂 no need to be in first batch if its full

Is someone still making the USB one?

Nobody started making a USB one… Don’t know if there’s any software supporting it on the PC but it might be possible to hook up one of those USB COM-port TTL level cable… Prolific and similar…

e5frog wrote:
Nobody started making a USB one… Don’t know if there’s any software supporting it on the PC but it might be possible to hook up one of those USB COM-port TTL level cable… Prolific and similar…

DogP did a few years back.


DogP did a few years back.

Yes, it’s the link cable(s) that never happened, we know one was made at least, none were sold AFAIK – so that’s what I mean that there have been none available. So how could there “still be making” any if none was ever made to begin with?

There were big plans getting connector housings made professional (injection molding). Then nothing more happened, there was troubles with the USB version and then it got quiet. The maker himself haven’t been logged in for a year or so, email doesn’t work (last time I checked). So I guess something happened or more important things came in the way.

Okay, I guess a better way to have phrased my original question would have been “is someone still planning on making a USB cable?”.

Received my link cable yesterday, i was not expecting such professional quality. It looks and feels factory manufactured, thank you Mellot124! Looks like i will need to invest in another Flashboy soon

MasterOfPuppets wrote:
Okay, I guess a better way to have phrased my original question would have been “is someone still planning on making a USB cable?”.

I may be interested in this. Anyone have more detail on the linkport inner workings and what it can do beyond what the wiki mentions? Can I completely control the VB through this port? What’s the command structure?

I also received my link cable from Kevin a few days ago. The quality is top notch and if you didn’t know any better, you would think this came straight from Nintendo! 🙂

This is fascinating stuff for the Virtual Boy and the PVB community. Thanks as always Kevin!


Recieved a small package from the post office today was hoping hope against hope that it was the “Link Cable”. I was not dissapointed not in the package nor in the craftmanship. This is amazing! if you haven’t already ordered one do so! This is the “Link cable” We’ve been waiting for for over 20 years THANKYOU mellott124.

mellott124 wrote:

MasterOfPuppets wrote:
Okay, I guess a better way to have phrased my original question would have been “is someone still planning on making a USB cable?”.

I may be interested in this. Anyone have more detail on the linkport inner workings and what it can do beyond what the wiki mentions? Can I completely control the VB through this port? What’s the command structure?

I think it would be cooler if someone just made a USB adapter that plugged into the board and allowed you to select 1P or 2P via a switch and you could provide your own USB cable, so it could be as long as technically allowed. I started working on something like this, but didn’t get too far.

You need six conductors for the later description of the cable. So a USB 3.0 cable would have work, but my guess is that it would be even more expensive – the cable itself is probably not that expensive.
Then you have another two connectors that can mess things up.

Sounds like a bad idea to me.

I’ll grab one from the next batch please, if that list isn’t already full.


I got my Virtual Boy link cable today and as I don´t have time for making another Youtube video, I thought I will share some photos. Even this is the most expensive cable I ever bought for any retro system I own, I am quite pleased with what I got. The plugs fit perfectly and I tried “Hyper Fighting” in link cable versus mode.
My test setup consists of a Virtual Boy on an US store kiosk stand and a 2nd Virtual Boy with a SNES controller and VGA-2D-out and as expected 2 player mode works great. I have not tested the other homebrew link cable games yet, but will do so later. The only thing you need to take care of when using the store kiosk unit is that there is not much space for the plug and this will put some stress on the cable which might ruin it, so a 90 degree plug or a shorter plug would be great, but I guess it might not make sense to produce such a thing for the few people that would need that.

  • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by VectrexRoli.
  • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by VectrexRoli.

Even this is the most expensive cable I ever bought for any retro system I own

How much did you pay ?

MineStorm schrieb:

Even this is the most expensive cable I ever bought for any retro system I own

How much did you pay ?

Way too much… if you would ask my wife. 😀

Custom made connectors – of course it’s going to be more expensive than your ordinary network cable or similar.

Wow Roli, the cable looks great.
Mellott124 made great work.

Roli two HPF for testing?You lucky guy


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