In case you’re here and not sure what I mean by Mexican “sealed” I’ll explain at the bottom.
I need:
Golf $50-70
Panic Bomber $60-80
3D Tetris $150+
Nester’s Funky Bowling $150+
If you have or can confirm the existence of the following please lmk:
Jack Bros
Vertical Force
Mexican titles were US titles but before they could be sold the distributor had to include Spanish instructions. The front edge on the top of the seal will be slit (like with an exacto blade) and inside you’ll find the Spanish instructions. In addition, the exterior will have a Mexican sticker.
I don’t have any of the ones you are looking for, but I can confirm the existence of ALL of them. All of the 14 North American games, including Jack Bros., have appeared for sale in the Mexican form on Ebay since I’ve started checking for Virtual Boy stuff on Ebay. Jack Bros. only appeared once that I’m aware of. Best of luck in your search!