Hello all vb gamers out there..
I am intressted to know if you or if you know one how have some virtual boy flyers.
Tell me if:
If you have one tell me about it even if you not want to sell.
If you have and want to sell.
If you have one and Think you can make a reprint to sell a copie of it. If its a good print.
I have the Golf flyer (jp) and the legues baseball flyer from SCES.
That VL Baseball one is really nice! And pretty rare I guess.
I’ve had a few once, including a US Jack Bros. flyer and Japanese Golf and Virtual Fishing flyers.
I’ve made repros of a Japanese Jack Bros. flyer and the Polygo Block flyer. I can send you copies of each if you want, PM me. 🙂
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2 Posts
Last post May 23, 2014 • 12:47