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Its a grey piece of metal with “Virtual Boy” written in red letters on the front. Its supposed to replace that plate on the stands that always breaks. I saw one of these on ebay a few weeks ago And the seller said it came from someone here.

Anyone have any additional details? curious.

2 Replies

ectoglow wrote:
Its a grey piece of metal with “Virtual Boy” written in red letters on the front. Its supposed to replace that plate on the stands that always breaks. I saw one of these on ebay a few weeks ago And the seller said it came from someone here.

Anyone have any additional details? curious.

It actually plastic and says “Neartendo”. I’m trying to find someone who will sell/donate their BROKEN ORIGINAL medallion/hub to me, after they’ve fixed their stand; or perhaps LOAN it if I promise to return it. I just wanna make a wax impression…


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