Original Post

Hi all,

I’m new here, I recently discovered an issue with my virtual boy, after sitting on a shelf for a a year, I tried to play it again and the mirror on the right eye wont stabilize. I have game audio (galactic pinball) so I know its booting up but the unit tries 4 times to get the mirror to stabilize then the mirrors stop and screen stays black. I have opened it up and checked/cleaned the sensor with compressed air, also making sure there was nothing possibly loose or in the way of the mirror. I have also tried unplugging and re-seating the wires to the VUE-MAI-01 board. I am not sure what to do, does anyone have any suggestions?


2 Replies

Id love some info on this too. I have an intermittent unit that is likely the crummy green wire harness but Im not 100% sure…gotta look into it more when I get free time.

Edit: fixed it. doh, all it needed was alcohol Q tip brushed across optical sensors (I tried compressed air first but that didn’t do the trick).

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by segasonicfan.


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