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HorvatM has just released version 1.1 of his “Multiple BMP to BGMap/charset converter”. This version was used to develop Coding Competition entry “Deathchase”.

  • Now also supports 32-bit BMPs.
  • You can convert BMPs to charsets “one to one” without generating BGMaps (useful for fonts).
  • The number of new unique characters for each BGMap generated is reported, along with a total at the end of the conversion.
  • If an exact color match isn’t found, the closest one is used (thanks to RunnerPack).
  • The BGMap buffer is now cleared before converting each BMP (reported by thunderstruck).
  • The program now checks for the 2048-character limit before adding a new character.
  • Updated the LoadEfficientCharset and LoadEfficientBGMap functions in the readme with those from Deathchase.

Get it here.

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