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I’m curious about the differences between the NFR carts and looking for others input on the differences I have found.

On Red Alarm, the main chip has entirely different writing on it, making it very easy to verify.

Wario Land however the only difference I’m noticing is the battery has a 95-06 date rather than a 95-07 date, this may just be a coincidence, so I’m curious what other people’s retail and NFR carts have.

I’ve attached comparison pictures of both. Both carts I have compared to 2 retail carts I own, the differences were consistent. Both retail Red Alarm’s say Toshiba on the chip, the NFR does not. Both retail Wario Lands have the 95-07 date, the NFR does not.

Another possible difference is that both NFR versions have the number 6 on the board versus any other number. Again could just be coincidence. But perhaps a pattern will emerge in the smaller details.

The images on the left are NFR, the right are retail.

  • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Yamagushi.
  • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Yamagushi.
9 Replies

I also noticed on the backs. Both NFR games have A Silver N. Where as the others have a silver Y and I.

First is Red Alarm. NFR on the Left, with a Silver N. Retail on the Right with a Silver I.

Next is Wario Land. Retail on the Left with a Silver Y. NFR on the Right, again with a an N instead (green).

Just going by the photos, the NFR games seem to have a 6 printed in the corners, whereas their retail counterparts have a 1. Does that signify anything?

I noticed my non-NFR copy of Wario Land had an NFR board.

boye wrote:
I noticed my non-NFR copy of Wario Land had an NFR board.

Could you take pictures and provide more information? What I have found is very limited and may not prove anything. I need more people to check their NFC and Retail carts, and post their results here so we can find any trends and potentially find something that only exists in one or the other.

I only have to game so far but here are some photos!

My Wario board has a 6 on it, if that helps.

AceGrey wrote:
I only have to game so far but here are some photos!

I appreciate the effort, but specifically looking for comparisons of the NFR and Retail Wario Land and Red Alarm carts.

boye wrote:
My Wario board has a 6 on it, if that helps.

If you could upload images and list if it’s NFR or retail that would be helpful.

The figures 6 and 1 just signify which PCB in the panel these were. The same figures can be found on Game Boy and SNES game PCBs.

The circled letter is supposedly where the PCB was manufactured.

The different ROM IC labeling is probably, because the NFR cartridges were produced using a different batch of ROMs or a smaller run that was given to Toshiba instead of Sharp.

Here are pictures of my newly acquired Wario Land Retail Copy


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