Original Post

Well browsing the WIKI for development i noticed some red links
Clicked them and they do NOT lead anywhere,
Im unsure if this maybe just a typo that somebody did, but whoever is in charge of it can maybe have a look over at this page.


Following Non working For me:

Structure of a program
Handling graphics
Reading the controller

BGM Affine Mode


Detailed Memory Map

Hardware Interfaces

Link Port


Instruction Summary
V810 Opcode Formats
Opcode Summary
Bit String Subopcode Summary
Floating Point Subopcode Summary
Instruction Details

Tech stuff

How to compile gccVB

4 Replies

I assume the red links mean those pages haven’t been created yet, but were put there as a placeholder to encourage someone to write those pages.

Speaking of the wiki though… it seems like after browsing around on the wiki a little bit I take down the whole server for a short period 😛 . It comes up with just a white screen, and then eventually comes back, but anywhere I try to browse on vr32 (not just the wiki) just comes back with a white screen. While it’s down on my PC it’s down from other PCs (at least at my house). Any idea what’s up with that? I’m using Firefox.


Also, since we’re on the topic of the wiki, I’d just like to say something that I hope isn’t taken badly: It seems kind of pointless.

All of my visits there have been less than helpful… All of the info on it seems to be pulled from David Tucker’s documents, aside from setting up the compilers. And I’ve noticed that any programming discussion usually takes place in the forums anyway… I just thought I’d offer some criticism.

My firefox seems to act up sometimes, i think its my ISP though,
The wiki did help me a bit but i did read those PDF files i found from research and on WIKI so im beginning to understand a bit,
Though the part where you setup Ultra edit, isn’t that great, i mean i got the majority of it down but some of it just either A) took while because it was confused as heck[ probably because i was tired and or i got a different version of the software ]. I think pictures would help people, i can give a few if you need.

Fwirt: The idea of the Wiki is so anyone can add their own knowledge to it, but have it all in a centralized location. I believe KR155E put in a bunch of stuff from David Tucker’s docs to try to start it, hoping that with the Wiki started, others would add info. Unfortunately it looks like nobody has added anything, so it sits kinda useless. Of course DT’s document is a great place to start since that document alone is already a well documented centralized location of a lot of useful VB info.

I guess I’m sorta to blame… I could probably add a bunch of stuff, but I don’t really have spare time to go through all my info and post it up (which is why my website hardly gets updated :-P).



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