This is the official announcement for the release of Bound High complete with box and manual like it always should have been.
Together with Mindstorm and Bigmak we have been able to assemble an all star team to get this together.
Couple of notes.
There will be an original 50.
The plan is to make 100 of these total. If there’s enough demand we will continue to make them. But once 100 sell we’ll need a bunch more to do another batch!
If you have already paid and/or agreed to pay for the box and manual, you can still receive the box and manual. Or you can use the money you paid to put towards a Complete in box version.
What you get.
Box, manual, cartridge with label, inlay, and i believe inserts (bigmak?)
These will ship out in roughly 2-3 weeks
The price of the game, shipping included will be
US price $71 USD
International price $75 USD
We’ll be staring on our second release, Space Pinball. We look forward to doing lots of these. And other releases. So, get your butts in gear game designers!
The first 20-30 carts will be in my hand soon. So, the first 20-30 people to pay will get there’s in the order received.
This list is the initial list I have for people that have paid or have requested they be added to the list for box and manual only. These guys/gals get first dibs.
1. Big Mak (planetvb) PAID for box/manual
2. Big Mak (planetvb) PAID for box/manual
3. Ben Stevens (planetvb) PAID for box/manual
4. Gwyndion
5. Uiengineer
6. RpgCollector
7. Cosmiliner (planetvb) PAID for box/manual
8. CoreyCorey2000
9. CoreyCorey2000
10. Alfissta (planetvb) PPAID for box/manual
11. mawa
12. Dr. Evil
13. TheForce81
14. Legandary_Zero (manual only)
15. Dor-Si PAID for box/manual
16. Dor-Si PAID for box/manual
17. VBmills PAID for box/manual
18. Wazzal
19. L__E__T
20. Thunderstruck PAID for box/manual
21 goldendark007
22 Smeagolsama PAID for box/manual
Since I cannot update this original thread I’ll be keeping track on my own and on Nintendo age at this thread. This is the official release thread! If you’re on this list and have paid and I have forgotten, please let me know.
If you’ve paid 25 or 30, just subtract that from the price and that’s what you owe.
Please contact me via PM or post in this thread to be added to the list. The sooner you pay the sooner your game will go out and the higher on the list you will be!
Thanks a bunch. Attached is the box image. The rest will look just as amazing!
If it is possible, Please add me for a 1 x Complete with International Shipping
75 $ Right?
This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by
TheForce81 wrote:
GEZ wrote:
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Well, we all know and have to expect that stuff like this happens after any limited release of a game. I agree, though, that he is trying to use a lie in addition to the rarity of the game to sell it, which is just wrong. I’m just surprised that it has happened so soon. My guess is that he truly bought a copy of the game and was just too lazy to make his own picture of it, so he just stole the one off of Uncle Tusker’s site for his auction. Hopefully not too many buyers were from Canada. That would make it easier to track down who the guy is.Wasn’t this Canadian, just for the record!
To add insult to injury, French Canadian even! 😉
Mon dieu! Eh!
Just to let everyone know what has happened. I have contacted the guy/gal on ebay and politely asked him to pull the auction. I told him he was possibly ruining it for all and that some poor sucker would get scammed. He didn’t realize what he was doing and did pull it and apologize for it.
If you’d like to still buy a copy of the game you can do so through http://www.uncletusk. It’s 75 plus shipping now. You unfortunately missed the 75 shipped offer for the first few that ordered. There’s about 15 left.
I’m confused, are the last 15 games just the first 50? I would really like to get a copy.
Also, is there any way to just get the cart?
I just ordered one of the last copies! Yippee!
$75 plus shipping is very pricey, but hey, this is 1 of the 4 unreleased VB games. 🙂
I can’t wait for Faceball to come out.
I just ordered a copy as well. As a new Virtual Boy owner this is the first VB game I actually purchased!
Looks like Uncle Tusk is sold out. Good thing I got my copy in time.
segagamer99 wrote:
Looks like Uncle Tusk is sold out. Good thing I got my copy in time.
Wow… looks like your right. I figured that all of those CIBs would sell very quickly. I guess this means that he has filled up his back order list. If I’m not mistaken, a total of 100 CIBs should have been made by this limited production run.
Currently 87 have sold. I’m just waiting on the shipment of the carts. They will be up for sale again. I just want to make sure these all go out and get to their new homes.
We should be shipping these out in the next week. Depending on how long it takes to get here through customs.
That’s all. Stay tuned!
Hello, I would like a copy of Bound High as well – please count me in for one when you get more carts! I can pay immediately.
nusilver wrote:
Hello, I would like a copy of Bound High as well – please count me in for one when you get more carts! I can pay immediately.
Me too please. PM me if you have any more for sale. Thank you
I too am very, very interested in purchasing a Bound High repro. If there’s any info re: availability in the future I would LOVE to know.
This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by
There will be at least 13 more for sale. Just have to catch up on some orders. Check for availability.
I’ll repost on the 20th with the remaining amount.
Hook me up with a cart, too. I’ll be sure to wait anxiously on your website on the 20th!
It’s a worthy purchase because its that fun! It was always a shame it wasn’t officially released.