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I’ve been having the glitchy screens for a long time now and the oven trick works, but I have to do it like every two weeks…
I read that soldering the display helps but I can’t solder (and certainly not that precise) so i was wondering if conductive glue would work?

I guess it works but I’m not sure and was wondering if somebody already tried that.

22 Replies

Yeah… a display tester has been on my todo list for quite a while… I just wanted to suggest that you could fix it pretty easily without it in case you’re as impatient as I am 😉 . But I’ll try to get one put together hopefully this weekend.


I just tried the VUE Snake game on my Flashboy and the displays were working perfect again!
No lines, glitchy stuff or other things, they worked perfectly!
It seems that the game was the last step for my displays to work…

Now I can say that my attempt to permanently fix them is a SUCCES!


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