Today we opened the picarchive, but only in German for now, because translating will take some time… For now take a look at the German version, click on “Bildarchiv” in the menu. You’ll find box scans and cart scans, sprite rips, artworks and many other things in it! More updates:
3 new article scans: the VB guides nr. 1 and nr. 2 and the VB Tsushin, although we only have the covers.
An update of the ebay-history.
The puzzles in the Englisch misc-section were not translated yet… however, they’re translated now.
Under emulation we added a new section called “patches”. Our first project is a translation patch for Teleroboxer, which translates the game into German for about 40% or so.
New manual scans: Galactic Pinball US, Golf US, Red Alarm JPN and Panic Bomber US, and a new designed frontpage for this section.
28 new screenshots of Insmouse.
So we now have:
Audio: 40:02 min
Screenshots: 208
Manuals: 28
BTW, if you haven’t joined Ferry’s VB Fan List yet… hurry up!
Thanks to C2F for the article scan of issue 1/95 of the Club Nintendo magazine, I forgot to mention it last time.