Original Post

OK Guys
As I am a “member” of this community for quite some time now, and checking on the site quite regularley, I begann to wonder what kind of people are these other guys on this forum. For example non of my friends can share my attraction to a weird machiene like the Virtualboy. So I’m realy courios who these others are now. Thats why I’m starting this Topic. So guys it realy interessts me who you are. And of course I’m going to start telling you who I am. As far as I know who I am, and as fare as I can write it down. I’ll just try to give you a rough plan of it. To keep a nice Form i’ll write a new Answer for it. So if you read this and the new Answer isn’t there, I’ll be still writing it.

Oh and please don’t write anything in this Topic like: I’m not going to tell you anything, you could be a cop, my identity is to secret, or things like that. Of corse you only what you want to. If you don’t want to just don’t.
Post Edited (09-30-04 19:52)

3 Replies


real name: Bernhard Müller

living in: Zürich/ Switzerland

Age: 22

Doing what:

I am a student for Biology at the University of Zürich. Currently I’m very busy preparing for exams( 4 days left), but as you can see I can still find time to write this. Thats cause I’ve been learning for 10 weeks straight trough now. I’ts quite strange, as I had strange Dreams concerning video games and my studys. There were always comming new molecules from the top(like Tetris) and I had to let them react together the whright way quickley to not pile them up. It seemd never ending and there was no break or releve.

I live in a Flat with my girlfriend and two other guys, all students. With one of them I keep a nice Video game collection. He doesent like VB too much, so Youl’ll never see him here. We all know each other from school and we wore squating together fore quite some time. In the squat we were running things like a cafe, a movie theater, a second hand shop, party basement, Artstudios and so on…. We also had a lot of senseless talks to some very fundamentalist punks. I’ll spare you the details.

So what else. I have other hobbies like building and flying RC modelplains. I have started to collect Lithops which are very interessting plants. Also known as Living Stones. Many other plants as well. I hang arrownd a lot with my girlfriend, also smoking a lot of pot. I also enjoy going to the Zoo or eating in a nice restaurant ( always depends on the money)

Oh I work also. I sell tickets in a local Sex Cinema. I’ts a realy well paied students job. I a shift of six houers I sell about 25 ticket and selling one takes me 10 seconds. The rest of the time I can do what I want. At the moment this is studiing. But during the semester I also play Virtual boy, which is nice. No there is no boss there, I’m all by my self. This gets payed 23.75 CHf per houer. (approx. 15 $)

I know this might be a critical point but I will write something about politics:

As you might know we have something called direct democracy here in Switzerland, so I get to vote for any law that will concern me. I’m leftish orientated (no wonder for an ex squatter) but after all I’m a very much relativating person. I tend to see things from diffrent angels, which sometimes doesent help to make up your mind (I hand in a lot of empty votingpapers). But one thing I tell you fore shure: If Gorge W Bush gets voted President again, I finaly give up on mankind. Florida has got an electronic voting system now. What do you think is going to happen in the near future? You don’t evan get a recet after voting. No recounts possible. If the US people are going to vote this cheater again(maybe they already lost controll?), I’ll be very dissapointed. Look, the human race and maybe all live on earth and in other parts of the universe is going to end sometime. Thats OK. Hey If you think I’t doesen’t matter if you drive an SUV thats guzzels for four cars, OK. I don’t care man, I’t all going to end you are right. If you think fiering rockets on others and basing the economy on it is good, fine with me. I’ts all going to end sooner ore later. I for example eat meat as well. I kill every day(not saying its right, but I have the power to do so). But why would somebody let themself **** in the ass, by somebody that has allready fucked them. A huge potential is going to get all waisted. It would be a pity. I’d be very sorry. Oh why this concernes me? My girlfriend is american, my brother, many friends and other familymembers and last but not least, I’m also a citicen of this Planet, aren’t I?

Where I come from:

I grew up a little out of Zürich together with 2 older brothers. My parents were always nice to me and I think I’m trough the worst now. I enjoyed a very good education. I’m a very socal person sice I can remember. I always needed to have contact to people to ceep me allive. Was a scout for many years. Spent a year in New Zealand as exchange student.

Where I want to go:

After my Master of Biology(a long time from now) I’d like to work in the botanical Garden, or Zürich succulent Plants collection, two very worth seeing plant collections in Zürich that do research as well.

Thats all for now. I might keep it update.

If you’d like to comunicate anything, ore like to know something else of me, I’m glad to hear from you whoever you are. Just drop me a mail.


If Gorge W Bush gets voted President again, I finaly give up on mankind.

Please do, since it is obvious you gave up on the Iraqi people a long time ago. Perhaps oil bought with rotten food and expired medicine would have kept your failing socialist economy above water, but I hardly call surviving on the suffering of Iraqis a “progressive” attitude. Perhaps there are some Nazis still around you could trade with, just like the good ol’ days?

Florida has got an electronic voting system now. What do you think is going to happen in the near future? You don’t evan get a recet after voting. No recounts possible. If the US people are going to vote this cheater again (maybe they already lost controll?), I’ll be very dissapointed.

It’s funny that you would call the winner of the election a cheater. Is this an indication of the quality of your government schools, or your government media? CNN, possibly the most Leftist news organization in this country concluded that Bush won after their own recount. Further, the Democrats are famous for their use of the dead, illegals, massive ballot box stuffing, felons, multiple-registrations, extending poll times in heavily Democrat areas, bribing the homeless, abusing the mentally ill and elderly, and absentee ballot fraud:

Names of the Dead
Abusing the Mentaly Ill
More Dead Voters

I can post volumes on the underhanded cheating done by the “progressives” in this country, so you might want to do some research before you regurgitate coffee-house propaganda next time, Swissy.

I’m also a citicen of this Planet, aren’t I?

You can call yourself a “citicen of this Planet” when you have been forced to live under a ruthless dictator that pillaged your countries wealth to build useless palaces and idols in his own honor. You can call yourself a “citicen of this Planet” when your choice of meal this evening will be rotten grain with dirty water, or rotten grain with filthy water. You can call yourself a “citicen of this Planet” when your brother is dropped alive into a wood-chipper bought with French tax-money. You can call yourself a “citicen of this Planet” when your 8-year-old sister is dragged from her propaganda school to pleasure the disgusting lust of Uday. You can call yourself a “citicen of this Planet” when your father is torn apart by wild dogs for daring to speak against the government.

“Citicen of this Planet”? No, you’re a pampered, effeminate boil in the armpit of Europe. Luckily, our ancestors had the good sense to reject you powdered-wig fops centuries ago. Enjoy your government-subsidized tea-cakes and punch, little Swissy. Let the big men handle the heavy work.

yeah democrats suck…


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