Have you ever wondered what exactly is being said on the boxes and in the instruction manuals of all those Japan Only Virtual Boy games in your collection? If so, then you are in the same boat that I’m in. Do you not wonder what is being said on those boxes and in those manuals because you understand Japanese? If so, then your contributions to this thread, and hopefully more threads like it in the future, would be greatly appreciated.
I have begun the long and arduous task of translating the information on the boxes and in the instruction manuals of the Japan Only Virtual Boy games and have found that this is most certainly not going to be easy. I must rely on translation software programs and online Japanese to English dictionaries, and unfortunately, these are not always very useful. I am hoping that I can post my work here and receive helpful input from others. All I ask is that if you add your input, please let it be known whether you use similar means as I do to obtain your information or whether you actually know and speak Japanese. If you do know Japanese, I also ask that you don’t make fun of my possibly pathetic attempts at translating, since I’m still in the learning process 😉 I’m hoping that with everyone’s help, high quality English translations of this material can eventually be made and can also be readily accessible online.
Here is what I have so far for the information found on the front of V-Tetris’ box. Any suggestions for improvement are welcome:
[Beneath the main title]
Original Japanese Text:
Preliminary English Translation:
(I’m pretty confident with this one 😉
[Inside the silvery gray field]
Original Japanese Text:
Preliminary English Translation:
A 3-D puzzle game only for the Virtual Boy
[In the lower black field]
Original Japanese Text:
Preliminary English Translation:
●Tetris like never before: an all-new Loop Tetris
●A gripping, stereoscopic field
●You can also play normal Tetris, of course
Preliminary English Translations for Page 14 of the Instruction Manual:
[In the top white bar on the pink field]
Mode A Rules
[In the pink field beneath the top white bar]
●レベル1以上でスタートした揚合、 そのレベルに対応したライン数を消していか
例) ・ レベル6で始めた揚合、 70ライン消さないとレベル7には進めない。
・ レベル12で始めた揚合には130ライン消すと、 レベル13に進めます。
●レベルは99まで上がりますが、 スピードはレベル19以降変化しません。
●Clearing 10 lines increases the level by 1.
●If you start on level 1 or higher, you will not advance
to the next level unless you clear the number of lines
that corresponds to that level.
・If you start on level 6, erase 70 lines to advance to level 7.
・If you start on level 12, delete 130 lines to proceed to level 13.
●The level rises up to 99, but the speed does not change after level 19.
[In the bottom white bar on the pink field]
Screen Description
[In upper left purple bar]
[In middle left purple bar]
High Score
[In lower left purple bar]
Current Level
[In upper right purple bar]
Limit Line
[In middle right purple bar]
Next Block
[In lower right purple bar]
Number of Lines Cleared
[At the very bottom]
★各用語の説明はモードBと共通です。 P16をご覧ください。
The explanation of each term is the same as for Mode B. Please refer to page 16.
- This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by Benjamin Stevens.
Preliminary English Translations for Page 15 of the Instruction Manual:
[At the very top of the page]
Game Mode B
[In the top white bar on the yellow field]
Before Playing Mode B
[In the yellow field beneath the top white bar]
メニュー画面でモードBを選択したら、 レベル・ラ
ウンドを選択します。レベルは0~9まで、 ラウン
ド (最初に積み上がっているブロックの高さ) が0
~5まで選択することができます。 (ラウンド0はブ
After choosing Mode B on the menu screen, next choose a level
and a round. A level from 0 to 9 and a round (the height of
the blocks that are stacked up initially) from 0 to 5 can be
chosen. (As for round 0, there are no initial blocks.)
[In the middle white bar on the yellow field]
Mode B Rules
[In the yellow field beneath the middle white bar]
モードBは、 基本的にはモードAのルールと同じで
すが、 25ラインを消すとlレベルクリアとなって
ます。 つまり、 1レベルクリアするごとにスピード
がどんどん上がっていくというわけです。 レベルの
9をクリアするとラウンドが1つ上がり、 レベルが
The rules for Mode B are basically the same as the rules
for Mode A, but the level system works in such a way that
when 25 lines are erased, the level is cleared and you
advance to the next level. This means that each time you
clear a level, the speed rises more and more. If you clear
Level 9, the round increases by 1 and the level returns
to 0.
[Beneath the bottom screenshot]
Blocks are piled up from the start!
This looks difficult, don’t you think?
[In the bottom white bar on the yellow field]
★ゲームオーバーはP27、 得点表はP21に詳しい説明が載っています。
★See page 27 for “Game Over.” A detailed scoring table can be found on page 21.
Preliminary English Translations for Page 16 of the Instruction Manual:
[In the white bar on the yellow field]
Screen Description
[In the upper left purple bar]
[In the second purple bar down on the left]
High Score
[In the third purple bar down on the left]
Current Round
[In the lower left purple bar]
Current Level
[In the upper right purple bar]
Limit Line
[In the middle right purple bar]
Next Block
[In the lower right purple bar]
Remaining Number of Lines
[In the lower yellow field]
●スコア…現在の総合得点です。 →得点に関してはP21をご覧ください。
●現在のレベル…現在プレイしているレベル (ブロックの落下速度の速さ) です。
●現在のラウンド (モードBのみ) …現在プレイしているラウンドです。
●残りライン数…次のレベルに上がるまでの残りのライン (列) の数です。
(モードAとCでは消したライン数になります。 文字とおり消したラインの数です。)
●ネクストブロック…次に降ってくるブロックを表示しています。 (セレクトボタ
●ハイスコア…今までの最高得点です。 (電源を切ると自動的に消去されます。)
●Score – Your current total points earned.
→ About scoring, please refer to page 21.
●Current Level – The current level (the speed of the fall
velocity of the blocks) you are playing.
●Current Round (only in Mode B) – The current round you are
●Remaining Number of Lines – The number of lines (rows)
remaining until the next level up.
(In Modes A & C, it is the number of lines erased, the number
of lines literally erased.
●Limit Line – When this line is exceeded, it is game over.
→ For a detailed description of “Game Over,” please refer to page 27.
●Next Block – Displays the block that will fall next. (You can switch
this on and off by pressing the SELECT button.
●High Score – The highest score so far. (It is automatically deleted
when the power is turned off.)
Preliminary English Translations for Page 17 of the Instruction Manual:
[At the very top of the page]
ゲームモードC (ループテ卜リス)
Game Mode C (Loop Tetris)
[In the top white bar on the blue field]
Before Playing Mode C
[In the blue field beneath the top white bar]
メニュー画面でモードCを選択したら、 レベルを選択
します。 レベルはAモードと同じく0〜19まで選択
After choosing Mode C on the menu screen, next choose
a level. As with the A Mode, you can choose a level
from 0 to 19.
[In the bottom white bar on the blue field]
Mode C Rules
[In the blue field beneath the bottom white bar]
モードCは、 「V ・テトリス」 オリジナルの新モード
です。 基本的にはモードAのルールと同じです。
そして、 このモードは 「ループテトリス」 という名の
とおり、 フィールドが右ページの図のようにループ
(輪) 状になっています。 つまり、 2Dの概念で考え
ると表と裏のフィールドがあり、 その表面と裏面がつ
Mode C is V-Tetris’s original, new mode. The rules are basically
the same as for Mode A.
(Please refer to page 14 for the rules.)
And in this mode, “Loop Tetris,” as the name suggests, the field
is in the shape of a loop (circle), as illustrated on the right
page. In other words, when thinking with the concept of 2D, the
field has a front and back, and the front side and back side are
connected to each other.
[Beneath the bottom screenshot]
▲背景に見えるけど、 これが裏面。
▲What is seen in the background is the back side.
Preliminary English Translations for Page 18 of the Instruction Manual:
[In the top white bar on the blue field]
Illustration! This is Loop Tetris
[In the blue field to the left of the illustration]
左右に動かすことができます。 左に動かしたい場合は
Lボタンを、 右に動かしたい甥合はRボタンを押して
This field, having two linked sides, can be moved to the
left and right with the L & R buttons. Please press the L
button to move it to the left and the R button to move it
to the right.
[To the right of the illustration, going down]
Round and Round
[In the middle white bar on the blue field]
About the Penalty Block
[In the blue field beneath the middle white bar]
「ペナルティーブロック」 …ちょっと難しそうな言葉ですが実は簡単。 平たくいえ
ば「おじゃまブロック」のことです。 1ラインだけそろえて消した揚合に、 ペナル
ティーとして裏側の面にブロック (棒状のブロックです。) が無条件に落ちてくる
というものです。 さらに、 裏面がブロックでいっぱいになってしまった揚合には、
表面に 「ペナルティーブロック」 が降ってしまいます。 この 「ペナルティーブロッ
ク」 は操作できないので、 文字どおり 「おじゃまブロック」 になってしまうという
わけです。 なるべく、 2ライン以上消していくようにしましょう。
“Penalty Block” – Although the term seems a bit difficult, it is actually simple. In plain
language, it is a “hindrance block.” If you align and erase only a single line, a block falls
to the surface of the back side as a penalty (this block is bar-shaped). This is something
that falls down unconditionally. Moreover, if the back side becomes filled with blocks, a
“penalty block” falls on the front side. Because you cannot manipulate this “penalty block,”
it is the case that it becomes a literal “hindrance block.” As much as possible, try to keep
erasing 2 or more lines.
[In the bottom white bar on the blue field]
★ゲームオーバーはP27、 得点表はP22〜に詳しい説明が載っています。
★See page 27 for “Game Over.” Starting on page 22, a detailed scoring table can be found.
Preliminary English Translations for Page 19 of the Instruction Manual:
[At the very top of the page]
ゲームモードC (ループ テトリス)
Game Mode C (Loop Tetris)
[In the top white bar on the blue field]
Screen Description
[In the upper left orange bar]
[In the middle left orange bar]
High Score
[In the lower left orange bar]
Current Level
[In the upper right orange bar]
Limit Line
[In the middle right orange bar]
Next Block
[In the lower right orange bar]
Number of Lines Cleared
[In the blue field beneath the upper screenshot]
★各用語の説明はモードBと共適です。 P16をご覧ください。
★The explanation for each term is the same as for Mode B. Please refer to page 16.
[In the bottom white bar on the blue field]
The Secret Technique of Secret Techniques! Erase 22 Lines
[In the blue field beneath the bottom white bar]
はできませんが、 「ループ テトリス」では何と一気に
てあります。 ちょっと難しいですがトライしてみまし
In Tetris, you can usually only erase up to 4 lines at
a time, but in “Loop Tetris,” you can erase as many as
22 lines at the same time.
The next page has tips on how to erase more than 4 lines
at once. It’s a little difficult, but let’s try it.
Preliminary English Translations for Page 20 of the Instruction Manual:
[In the white bar on the blue field]
How to Erase More than 4 Lines at Once
[In the blue field beneath the white bar]
ループ テトリスではループするフィールドをうまく使って4ライン以上消すことが
できます。 この原理を利用して実際に4ライン以上消してみましょう。
In Loop Tetris, you can erase more than 4 lines at once by making good use of the field
that loops. By using this principle in practice, let’s try to erase more than 4 lines.
[Beneath the leftmost screenshot]
▲If you would place this, it
would be completely aligned!
At such times…
[Beneath the second screenshot from the left]
▲Shift the field on purpose.
In this case, shift it to the left.
[Beneath the third screenshot from the left]
▲Put it like this.
Once this block is
[Beneath the rightmost screenshot]
▲フィールドを再び、 右
にずらす。 すると、 そ
ろっているけど 「消え
▲Shift the field back to
the right. Then, you
have all “non-disappearing
lines” completed!
[In the blue field at the very bottom]
この 「消えないライン」 は同じフィールド内で別にラインをそろえて消した時に
ー緒に消えます。 以上を応用すると夢の22ライン消しも可能になるわけです。
These “non-disappearing lines” will disappear at the same time when you arrange other lines within the
same field. If you apply the above further, it is possible to erase the dream amount of 22 lines.
Preliminary English Translations for Pages 21 & 22 of the Instruction Manual:
Page 21:
[At the very top of the page]
得点表 (ゲームモードA ・B)
Score Book (Game Modes A & B)
[The chart’s upper left label for the columns]
[The chart’s upper left label for the rows]
Page 22:
[At the very top of the page]
得点表 (ゲームモードC)
Score Book (Game Mode C)
[The chart’s upper left label for the columns]
[The chart’s upper left label for the rows]
Preliminary English Translations for Pages 23 & 24 of the Instruction Manual:
Page 23:
[At the very top of the page]
得点表 (ゲームモードC)
Score Book (Game Mode C)
[The chart’s upper left label for the columns]
[The chart’s upper left label for the rows]
Page 24:
(no translation needed)
Preliminary English Translations for Pages 25 & 26 of the Instruction Manual:
Page 25:
[At the very top of the page]
得点表 (ゲームモードC)
Score Book (Game Mode C)
[The chart’s upper left label for the columns]
[The chart’s upper left label for the rows]
Page 26:
(no translation needed)
Preliminary English Translations for Page 27 of the Instruction Manual:
[At the very top of the page]
Game Over
[In the top white bar on the red field]
When it’s Game Over
[In the red field beneath the top white bar]
るので続ける揚合はAボタンを、 続けずにゲームを
In any mode, once you’ve exceeded the limit line,
it becomes game over. When it’s game over, you are
asked whether or not you want to continue. If you
want continue, please press the A button; if you
want to end the game, please press the B button.
★If you continue, the score from when you just
played returns to zero.
[Beneath the upper screenshot]
Making a mistake, this is very taboo.
[In the bottom white bar on the red field]
About Name Input
[In the red field beneath the bottom white bar]
Bボタンでゲームを終了させ、 スコアがランキング
のベスト10に入っていた揚含は、 名前入力画面に
なります。十字ボタンの上下左右で文字の選択、 A
ボタンで入カです。 Bボタンを押すと、1つ前の文
字に戻ります。 「END」 にカーソルを合わせてAボ
タンを押すと名前入カが終了し、 ランキング画面の
表示後、 Aボタンを押すとタイトル画面に戻ります。
If you exit the game with the B button and your score is included
in the top 10 rankings, the name input screen appears. Use up, down,
left, and right on the four-way controller to select each character,
and press the A button to input each. Press the B button to return
to the previous character. Move the cursor to “END” and press the A
button to exit the name input screen. After viewing the ranking
screen, press the A button to return to the title screen.
[Beneath the lower screenshot]
▲Input the name of your choice.
★Recorded scores and names are automatically
deleted when the power is turned off.
Preliminary English Translations for Page 28 of the Instruction Manual:
[At the very top of the page]
Before Placing a Call
[In the top, yellow field]
「故障かな?」 と思って電話をかける前に取扱説明書をもう1度読み直してくだ
さい。 そして、 以下の項目を必ず確認してください。
“Troubleshooting” – Please reread the instruction manual again before
placing a call. Also, please be sure to check the following items.
[In the top white bar on the yellow field]
●画面が映らない。 (または、 いきなり消えてしまう)
→電池は入っていますか? 電池切れではありませんか?
●The screen doesn’t appear. (Or it suddenly disappears)
→Is the battery pack inserted? Have the batteries run out?
Is each part connected correctly?
[In the second white bar down on the yellow field]
→動作が安定するまで画面がゆがむことがあります。 故障ではありません。
●When you turn the power on, the screen distorts for a short time.
→There are times when the screen distorts until operation stabilizes. This is not a malfunction.
[In the third white bar down on the yellow field]
→ゲームモードA ・Bでは4ライン。 モードCでは22ラインです。
●What’s the maximum number of lines that disappear at one time?
→In Game Modes A & B, it is 4 lines. In Mode C, it is 22 lines.
[In the bottom white bar on the yellow field]
→ゲームモードA ・Cでは99まで上がりますが最高の落下スピードはレベル
19までとなります。 モードBでは選べる範囲以上には上がりません。
●How far up does the level rise?
→In Game Modes A & C, it rises up to 99, but the maximum falling speed is reached
at Level 19. In Mode B, it does not rise above the range that can be chosen.
[In the yellow field at the very bottom]
★Though it is, indeed, arbitrary, please note that questions about game strategies and tricks
cannot be answered by us.
Well, I think that’s all I plan to translate for V-Tetris. The table of contents can be figured out based on what is written at the top of each of the corresponding pages, and the other information doesn’t seem to be too important for today’s usage.
Keep in mind, these are “preliminary” translations, so they can be improved on in the future. Plus, being that these are designated as “preliminary,” I am hoping that something even better can be made from them. Namely, I am hoping that, eventually, an instruction manual that looks the same as the original and official Japanese one, but with English text, can be made. If anyone wants to begin working on this task using my English text, please feel free to do so. Otherwise, I may start tackling it myself once I finish the preliminary translations for the other 7 Japan Only games, which probably won’t be for several months.