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Nintendo released a video today showing their plans for this years e3 and it has Reggie playing the Virtual Boy (around the 1:52 mark).

6 Replies

Beat me to it haha 😛

It’s great that, he says “these games are great!”

Nice clip. Part of me believes that this may be a hint at a future announcement, but then again it might have just been for the video.

Funny video. I like how there not scared to take the piss abit.
I’ve got a feeling that the virtual boy bit is just for the video. It would be cool though if they did some vb games for 3ds virtual console.

Well they show the VB quite long and it is a important part of that sequence. They didnt try to hide the VB or anything but it is the first time that they show the VB that clear.
Also that sequence basicly shows how unconfortable the VB can be.
My guess is that we can expect VB Virtual Console on 3DS in the Future and I bet the will tell everybody how easy it is to play VB games on 3DS.

Why is it that Reggie just can’t put the stand on the right way? Might be easier to play if his hands weren’t cramped up in front of everything.

Still a neat video though.

THIS link will jump straight to 1m and 53s into the vid.

wouldn’t it be nice if this was them hinting at 3ds VC releases.


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