Original Post

Well, some topics seem to get off ‘topic’ lately, and get into a discussion of repros and the process…what we are doing next ect.

I thought it might be a good idea to post stuff on this thread..organize it a bit.

Maybe make other threads that deal with cart shells or if we have a viable connector ect.

Now…where are we atm with reproductions

Well let’s see

I’m planning on sending out the free carts still. Need to get the labels..I’m going to send out 70 carts it looks like.

People that get a free cart can order the packaging at tusks website. The packaging has a small hold up on the hint-book. We’re not sure how much it will cost yet..depends on how many pages the instructions and hintbook has…Poster looks really sweet..morintari did the artwork for the poster and hintbook ect..

For people that want to buy one CIB…we will offer a few CIB (25?) (should the labels be the same?) Funny thing happened. After I released the rom..I stopped getting emails about copy-write stuff.

Blox will be released soonish..we’re going to do a small release at first (25) to make sure there is interest. Blox 2 isn’t going to be done yet..small issue with the save function.

Fastball: remastered still looks like it’s a go. Most of thunderstrucks changes that he has planned has been coded..But the job of coding 50 + levels might take a bit.

We’re going to do a small resupply of the boundhigh/space pinball carts in tusks store (25 of each). This will be the last resupply planned for a bit..so we can get other games done. So, if you haven’t gotten one..order them now (will be a few weeks til we get the new carts in)

After that..nothings been decided.

If we do an english version of gundam..prices will be higher. Richard has to make it have sram..so production costs on his side will be higher. I can prob get the batteries pretty cheap on my side..and install them in the USA.

Other ideas…english version of space squash (if it gets fully translated). I think this is a much better game (fun) to play then gundam. But, you really NEED the translation of gundam to play it..while space squash you can just pick up and play. So, not sure on which one I’d like done first…but I’d like both done.

Homebrews ? Should we split the more ‘commercial’ releases with homebrew releases ? I guess we’ll have to see how well blox does.



Soviet Union collection…maybe horvat can combine his roms into one ‘collection’..if he wants to..we can do a release with that…

Virtual Chris came out with a bunch of games..maybe a collection ? have to see the interest

Anyway..just wanted to update people on where we are at.

Also, 3 kinda small points I want to make..might seem small..but I want to get it out there before any potential problems happen…

1st. My thoughts might not be Tusk’s or Mindstorm’s…so if I posts my thoughts here..please don’t take it as their thoughts πŸ™‚ Just cuz I say something here..doesn’t make it ‘official’ stuff.

2nd. You can post want you want to see done..but even if we get 20 posts saying ‘we want gundam’..don’t be upset if squash or something else is done first. Maybe we can get to the point that we have a vote on which game comes out next…but we aren’t there yet. We might not have the chips for a certain game..or the manual might not be done ect.

3rd. If I talk about games about to come out..or plans for future games..doesn’t mean we’re doing pre-order’s πŸ™‚ It would be helpful to know how many people are wanting to buy a game..but I don’t think we’ll be taking money ahead of time yet. That first bound high thing was a bit of a mess. Tusk had the packaging..then all of a sudden we could do CIB’s..but people didn’t seem to understand the time it took to get the connectors send them off to mindstorm..get them back..put the carts together ect. If we do any type of pre-ordering thingy..I think Tusk will post on another thread or something.


245 Replies

hrms they wouldn’t be just extra super duper happy ? Hmrs

bigmak wrote:


Soonish (would GUESS a month or two..sooner ?):

(25) bound high – to restock the store
(25) space pinball – to restock the store
(25) faceball proto cib
(25) blox

Not soonish..but not in the super future (3-4 months ??? total freakin guess)

(50) english gundams
(75?) faceball: remastered (not done yet..levels are still being worked on)
more blox if it does well ?


So, Any way to get on a Pre-order list for Gundam So I can make sure I get my hands on one? Same goes for Blox. Talk to you or Tusk?

Still Not completely sure on the whole Faceball shipping thing. Will we be getting them around the same time the Boxes will be available?

And Additionally, I have NO idea what the Faceball re-master is. Is it like, the real version only with additional levels?

Sorry to always be the guy who understands Nothing but… yeah.

ectoglow wrote:

Still Not completely sure on the whole Faceball shipping thing. Will we be getting them around the same time the Boxes will be available?

And Additionally, I have NO idea what the Faceball re-master is. Is it like, the real version only with additional levels?

The original Faceball Prototype only has 14 very easy levels. The remastered version has 56 all new levels. On top of that there are several other changes like a reactivated enemy that was hidden in the rom, all of the music available in the ROM now plays during the game, the controls have been improved, the start-logo has been changed to an English version, a hidden image in the stage-select screen has been reactivated, the broken arena mode and the debug menu have been deactivated and the credits have been changed. There is even a level-editor that is pretty simple to use.

There is a whole thread where that crazy guy who does all of that hacking-stuff posts about his progress. He recently had some help though.

no pre-orders til the games are actually finished πŸ™‚

Definitely looking forward to picking up some of these. Love my Virtual Boy!

hell yeah!

Thanks for the update Eric.

Excellent update! I really hope I can snag a Gundam. πŸ˜€

jrronimo wrote:
Excellent update! I really hope I can snag a Gundam. πŸ˜€

Same here, only I don’t just hope… I MUST!

I just bought 25 of those box protectors and need help filling them.

Don’t worry guys..i’m sure everyone that wants one will get one πŸ™‚

That’s great Bigmak. Thank you so much. I can’t wait to pick these up!

Awesome! Here I thought I would never have to spend any money on a VB game ever again.

I recently finished my playthrough of all 22 games and tucked my console away deep in a storage hyper sleep. Guess I have to bring it back up again…

Thank you guys so much for making this happen! <3
See you again when Dragon Hopper shows up. ;D

Ordered! πŸ˜€ (Hmm, didn't get an order confirmation. Shows up in due time I hope.)

  • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by Lopingg.
  • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by Lopingg.

Oki..where we are at…

What did you do this weekend ? I wasn’t at work..but I was working.

Got some boxes from Richard this weekend *side note..Richard has the nicest smelling…boards. He sends his stuff in soap boxes* Put together the last of the bound high/space pinball (25 each) and 25 of the faceball prototypes. Play tested them all..so all’s good. Sent them off to Tusk this morning.

Also got the first 25 English Gundams. Put a few together and play tested the game/checked the save function. Worked fine. The battery cage is a bit high. The shell bulges a bit because of the cage..I’m gonna try out the dremel on the case tops next week end to fix it. The cage is def the way to go on these thou, if the battery wears out..very easy to change.

Richard as always is way ahead of me. He has the rest of the board (25) done of gundam and is awaiting connectors. He’ll also start working on the faceball: remastered boards once we have a final rom done.

I have 60+ baseballs here…I need to get the connectors out and send them to Richard. But, to much going on right now for me to rush on it. Also, I’d like to get more baseballs and send one large load to him (to cover the gundams/faceball: remastered/and whatever store stock we need to get done). The problem is getting more baseballs. To get more I have to do a massive order..might not be able to do it for another month. But, it should be enough to get everything planned done this year..so the earlier I do it..the better.


Extremely soon:

(25) bound high (last for a while)
(25) space pinball (last for a while)


(25) blox (limited release to see the interest, tusk is finishing up the artwork now..might be within the month ??? my opinion..they will sell out fast and we’ll have to do some more..but might be a month or two to restock)
(25) faceball: prototype edition (artwork finishing up..might come out within the month ??? I would get the labels around the same time to send out the free carts)

Not to far away:

(50) gundam: english translation

Not to far away plus a month (wtf does that mean?)

(75) faceball: remastered

This year:

(?) fill up sold out stuff in the store
(?) Space squash (english translated)
(?) Fishbones (??)

As always I have no clue when this stuff will be done or when they will be posted for sale. These are just guesses and tryin to keep the family informed/involved in the process. I can’t say what the final prices will be or release dates or anything. This isn’t a pre-order list πŸ™‚


Sounds like you guys are making good progress with all of the repo stuff. I really have to get those stupid faceball levels done. Mabe next weekend.

bigmak wrote:

Not to far away:

(50) gundam: english translation

I’m guessing that nobody else has declared that they can make an instruction booklet for this. Since I imagine that the box and cart sticker are going to appear in the typical style of the North American Virtual Boy games, I can remake the instruction booklet that I previously made for SD Gundam and have it appear in the North American Virtual Boy Instruction Booklet format, if no one else has any better ideas.

thunderstruck wrote:
Sounds like you guys are making good progress with all of the repo stuff. I really have to get those stupid faceball levels done. Mabe next weekend.

HAH..I won’t have the connectors for that game for a month +..u got time man. I think u just want to get it over with πŸ™‚



I’m guessing that nobody else has declared that they can make an instruction booklet for this. Since I imagine that the box and cart sticker are going to appear in the typical style of the North American Virtual Boy games, I can remake the instruction booklet that I previously made for SD Gundam and have it appear in the North American Virtual Boy Instruction Booklet format, if no one else has any better ideas.[/quote]

I actually like the Japanese boxes better. BUT..I guess that wound’t make and sense cuz it will be in English πŸ˜› doh


bigmak wrote:

I actually like the Japanese boxes better. BUT..I guess that wound’t make and sense cuz it will be in English πŸ˜› doh


Plus, the closer the box looks to the original Japanese version, the more likely it might get confused with the original Japanese box, especially if one is simply looking at the front of the box. But if it follows the North American format, there should definitely be no confusion.

My personal preference (since I know you just *can’t wait* to hear from me) is for the English Gundams to look like NA boxes — the red & blue and awesome 90s-ness πŸ˜€ If I had a modicum of artistic merit I’d offer to help… but I really don’t.

/Minestorm: What battery cages are being used on these? Is it remotely feasible that they could work on old GB games where size is a big problem? I’ve got good battery holders for SNES carts, but aside from one batteryless “Oracle of the Ages” for GBC, I haven’t had a need to find a cage for those… but knowing which one to start on would be a good first step. πŸ™‚

What battery cages are being used on these?

These are the one’s I use (CR1225 version). It’s the thinnest holder, but still needs a bit of dremeling to get it to fit the thin VB cart cases.

I don’t know if you could hack it into a GB cart.



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