Original Post

I bought a Virtual Boy a few months back, and have played it here and there for a bit randomly. Probably less than 2 weeks ago, it ran perfectly. No glitches in anything. Today, my power was out, so I booted up my VB to pass some time.

The warning screen shows up fine, as does the calibration screen… But, then the right screen goes to hell…. It starts with a few lines being added, then the lower half of the screen disappears and gets smooshed up to the top of the screen, and all sorts of weird draw glitches.

I thought it might be the game cartridge, or low batteries… but it remains after changing both…

Did my new toy suddenly die on me? T.T I would have thought the ribbon coming loose would be a more gradual process than just suddenly not working right one day…


1 Reply

Sounds like a standard cable failure. Soldering should fix it. If you live in the Americas, I can help you. If you live in Europe, TheForce81 is your man. Anywhere else: contact us both and get postage quotes.


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