Original Post

I’m a Nintendo fanboy. I’ve been with them since I was 7 in 1991 and I’m still happy with them and their games. I want to see them succeed, I always root for Nintendo.
I’m not the bad kind of fanboy though, I see a lot of mistakes they’ve done and am allright with critizing them. I also play other systems and other companies games .

Now with the 3DS coming out and like expected most game sites and magazines talking about how PSP2 will beat it soundly once it comes out with its better graphics and stuff(deja vu to last gen), I keep rooting for Nintendo. They make me happy =).

Anyone feel the same? Go Nintendo!

12 Replies

I’m a Nintendo fanboy! (actually I’m a fangirl)

I enjoy Nintendo products, focus mostly on Nintendo, know a good amount of the history of Nintendo (I wish I had an Ultra Hand!) and as my username implies, I really like Gunpei Yokoi’s inventions and such

however, I do play/enjoy non-Nintendo consoles/handhelds… but I would get a 3DS before a PSP2 (“NGP”)

(R.I.P Yokoi-san πŸ™ )

Far from it, here. Nintendo has really gone down hill, big time. Snes / VB were the last good efforts IMO. GBA had some great sleeper stuff here and there, but even then it was only a mere reflection of good SNES style games.

I look forward to the 3DS, but the announced titles being launched in the USA for the next year appeal to me about as much as an unnecessary root canal. I can’t fully say Nintendo is to blame for that, but their history of driving away good developers with uncanny regulations surely still has relevance.

I’m a Nintendo fan. I don’t believe I’m quite ‘fanboy’ status. I chose my purchases based on quality and not simply because of the publisher. Nintendo consistently makes quality hardware tailored specifically to its game ideas. They’re all about quality and craftsmanship, and that is why I am a fan.

VirtualJockey wrote:
Far from it, here. Nintendo has really gone down hill, big time. Snes / VB were the last good efforts IMO. GBA had some great sleeper stuff here and there, but even then it was only a mere reflection of good SNES style games.

I beleive the topic of the post was to sign if you are a Nintendo fan, not if you aren’t.

VBSAM wrote:
I beleive the topic of the post was to sign if you are a Nintendo fan, not if you aren’t.

I am a Nintendo fan. Well, a fan of the old good Nintendo.

Perhaps you’re right though, was just chiming in with my honest views.

VirtualJockey wrote:
I am a Nintendo fan.

My apologies. How do you feel about the New Super Mario Bros. or DK Country Returns games?

VBSAM wrote:

VirtualJockey wrote:
I am a Nintendo fan.

My apologies. How do you feel about the New Super Mario Bros. or DK Country Returns games?

It’s NOT Nintendo Hardware or 1st party software that rubs me wrong, it’s the change of power and the progressively deteriorating licensing decisions that altered my views in the Nintendo Timeline.

I personally have met Shigeru Miyamoto more than once, very nice man. I have also had the displeasure of meeting Reggie Fils-Aime when he was first staffed at Nintendo. He was such a PR fool I thought common sense would dictate that he was going to get fired within months. I’m not sure if the rotten Tomato is on my face or Nintendo’s.

Nintendo makes good stuff, I just wish that they would for once sit back and just ask themselves what they used to do right that seems amiss today.

It’s not what Nintendo manufactures or develops, it’s what they don’t develop and tend to refuse on average. Sony wouldn’t even have a leg to stand on today if Nintendo had welcomed developers with open arms in the N64 era.

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 10 months ago by VirtualJockey.

Its Reggie’s job to be a PR guy. He has nothing to do with game development or design, he’s just there to sell the product to the American audience. Reggie is their American puppet, and hes done a damn good job at what he does best, and thats pushing product.

VBSAM wrote:
Its Reggie’s job to be a PR guy. He has nothing to do with game development or design, he’s just there to sell the product to the American audience. Reggie is their American puppet, and hes done a damn good job at what he does best, and thats pushing product.

He’s done a damn good job, and made Nintendo a lot of money doing it.

But anyone that remembers him SCOLDING the US media when he was a noob(pre-DS) should have little respect for him. Was among the lines of “We make games for mothers and their children, not gamers like you”. I mean, he had the freakin’ balls to say that to the gaming media?? The crowd echoed with Boos.
Seems like you blink your eyes and the world had changed and he became president of NOA. As far as Reggie was concerned, Games were about pure financial gains in untapped markets, not appealing to Nintendo’s real “gamer” fans was something he was proud to live with.
Great for Nintendo’s sales, bad for Nintendo’s real fans. Hell, if Reggie could sell Sham-Wows and Snuggies it would be good for Nintendo, but it’s sure as heck not going to add appeal to Nintendo fans.
(As I type this they are probably planning on a Donkey Kong edition snuggy)

I can’t put all the blame on Reggie Fils-Lame, Shigeru lied during his pre N64 release press conference (mostly focusing on Animal Crossing), and swore that Nintendo wouldn’t inhibit and censor developers. One would like to believe that Shigeru didn’t lie, and was just reading a line of bologna that a speech writer handed to him.

Am I a Nintendo fan? I’m a big enough fan that I’m quite upset at the progressive deterioration of a company I loved so much & so dearly as a child that I’ve had to personally witness decay in front of my own eyes.

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 10 months ago by VirtualJockey.
  • This reply was modified 13 years, 10 months ago by VirtualJockey.

And my apologies to any toes I’ve stepped on in this thread.
I’m getting to be too much of a negative-nancy around here. :/

  • This reply was modified 13 years, 10 months ago by VirtualJockey.

VirtualJockey wrote:
And my apologies to any toes I’ve stepped on in this thread.

You aren’t stepping on any toes. I value your opinion, though I disagree. Your views are well-informed and appreciated. :thumpup:

well, I kind of do have to agree with VirtualJockey, I’ve found myself buying more older Nintendo games than DS or Wii stuff…

I actually used to not really like Reggie when I was 11! I thought he made Nintendo conferences much more boring than the rest of the people there (Iwata, Miyamoto, etc.) πŸ˜›

VBSAM wrote: I value your opinion, though I disagree. Your views are well-informed and appreciated. :thumpup:

No problem friend. Thanks for being the bigger man, since I set the unpleasant fire.

gunpeiyokoifan wrote:
well, I kind of do have to agree with VirtualJockey, I’ve found myself buying more older Nintendo games than DS or Wii stuff…

I actually used to not really like Reggie when I was 11! I thought he made Nintendo conferences much more boring than the rest of the people there (Iwata, Miyamoto, etc.) πŸ˜›

Before the economy ripped the food out of my stomach, I had more Wii games than PS3 or Xbox. So I really can’t say that Nintendo doesn’t get cool stuff these days. In the PSX/Saturn days, Nintendo did fail hard.

As for Reggie, he always sucked. However, not because he was boring, but because he refused to “capture the magic”. He’s not a gamer, couldn’t convince me at knife-point that he likes video games. Video games or the tobacco industry, he’d howl over a microphone for anything that would wet his bank account.


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