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Is there any chance that maybe someone on the forum could contribute one or more of his/her games from their collection to one on the forum to allow them to dump the games that have yet to be publically available ?

I think it would only be fair if :

1. We contributed money to the cause (or the VBer could just be a true friend πŸ˜€ )

2. Allow the game to only be downloadable here and only here to users registered 6 months or more w/ 10 posts(as i dont have yet.)

61 Replies

On the topic of dumping the rare games what still needs to be dumped and released.

I have several and I am totally up for some dumping (or haing someone dump) the rare carts I have. The same way I dumped and released Mr. Boston for the Vectrex.


the unreleased ones are:

SD Gundam
Space Invaders
Virtual Bowling
Virtual Lab

and of course any prototypes you have. πŸ˜‰

Chris, DogP lives in the US, I’m sure he’d be up for dumping your games for you.

I’m sure all the Virtual Boy savvy members here don’t need any help but http://www.newsleech.com is an excellent newsgroup search engine. If you don’t have a news account most offer free trials.

KR155E wrote:
the unreleased ones are:

SD Gundam
Space Invaders
Virtual Bowling
Virtual Lab

and of course any prototypes you have. πŸ˜‰

I’ve got SD Gundam, Space Invaders, and Virtual Lab that I’d be willing to lend out to a reliable person that can dump them. I’m thinking about selling my collection soon anyway, so it doesn’t matter to me.

Only thing is I’d like to get a Flashboy before I sell them all. Anyone know when the next batch is going to be available?

Only thing is I’d like to get a Flashboy before I sell them all. Anyone know when the next batch is going to be available?

hopefully next week. but if you did not yet preorder, better do it right now, we already have more than 50 preorders. you could be lucky when someone backs out.

KR155E wrote:

Only thing is I’d like to get a Flashboy before I sell them all. Anyone know when the next batch is going to be available?

hopefully next week. but if you did not yet preorder, better do it right now, we already have more than 50 preorders. you could be lucky when someone backs out.

Woowww, and i hope i’ll be on the 50 next !
I will not access internet before next saturday so if they are available before, please wait for meeeeee !
Thanks you all for your so great job πŸ™‚

don’t worry, they probably won’t be done until then. not before april most likely.

current status:
carts: 50/50
boxes: 0/50

  • This reply was modified 16 years, 10 months ago by KR155E.
  • This reply was modified 16 years, 10 months ago by KR155E.

Space Invaders. Ends in 5Days.
Current bid:$162 πŸ˜•

My cart dumper is finished and Virtual Lab and Space Invaders have been dumped, still need to figure out how to merge the files and then test them to make sure they work but if everything goes well they should be available sometime next week.

Thanks a lot for the work you are doing shags!

Has NorkUSA sent off his carts to someone yet?

Alright I got the merge tool working and found that my dumps were bad so I had to do some wire tracing and ended up finding a few wires in the wrong places, it will have to wait until tomorrow for me to redump them, but if all goes well Space Invaders & Virtual Lab should be out tomorrow.
I messaged NorkUSA but have not recieved any type of reply, Vectrexer was also willing to send me an SD Gundam once everything is working.

Heh, so after so many years without dumps of the rare carts, somebody is willing to dump and distribute them. Nice to see someone said “I’ll dump them” rather than “can you dump them for me?”. Good luck with those wires. Out of the 4 ER games, the one that surprised me the most was SD Gundam. After reading all the reviews, I thought it would be crappy, but after playing it I found I really enjoyed it.

well it has frustrated me enough that I am taking a break from this damn thing for a week or so

I can’t seem to get the merge tool to work so this project might get left to someone else that can figure it out

shags wrote:
I can’t seem to get the merge tool to work so this project might get left to someone else that can figure it out

First of all I want to say I don’t know a whole lot about rom dumping, so sorry if I am saying something that has already been tried but didn’t work, or just dosen’t apply.

Do the split files contain any type of header and/or footer that would need to be cut before merging? Or are they just raw data split into pieces?

If its just raw data, you can just merge them with any hex editor, or even the windows command prompt:

That’s a good tip for combining files end-to-end, CA. However, he’s actually (probably) dumping the upper and lower 8 bits of the VB’s 16-bit word. This means that one file has all of the bytes on even addresses (0, 2, 4, etc.) and the other has the odd addresses (1, 3, 5, etc.).

So the merge tool has to take one byte from the even file, one byte from the odd, another from even, and so on, writing this string of bytes to the output file.

So, shags, are you still having problems? If you can describe the problem, maybe someone here can help. For example, if you tell us what OS you’re running, maybe we can send you new merging software.

He’s already got a tool to merge the files (he’s using http://dogp.home.comcast.net/CPP/bintool.zip ), I assume they’re not dumping correctly, so the merged ROM isn’t correct.


How can I help in this effort?


no help is needed they are dumped and will be released in the very near future


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