Original Post

Attached is the poster for this year’s PVB Coding Competition poster, featuring a very nice render created by Al aka Hedgetrimmer. First 10 participants will receive a high quality A3 (297mm x 420mm) print of it.

8 Replies

I love it! Although it reminds me of Play-Doh extruders. I hope I get my entry finished quick enough to get one.

Honestly though, I was hoping for something more cryptic in the QR code at the bottom. 😀

What does it say?




The poster has been replaced with an updated version thanks to a better render Hedgetrimmer send me. This now has smoother curved “tentacles”, button labels and a proper beta logo on the controller.

awesome guys, that makes me happy 🙂

I have to say, the smoother tentacles look really nice, but why put the beta logo on the controller?

Well, because it’s a prototype controller. Look at the “button” colors.

Oh, I didn’t know that Prototype VBs had colored buttons… The whole poster makes more sense now.


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