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Hey! I have an idea…

you know about my battery fear right?
maybe I could try putting batteries in my Virtual Boy (yes I know it chews through them but VB is my favorite console) and try changing them regularly… VB made me stop hating red since its so awesome so maybe Virty can also cure my battery fear!

if I don’t change the batteries/visit my Virtual Boy in two or so weeks you guys can remind me and keep telling me to play my VB (hey, it worked before)

should I try it? the Virtual Boy IS magical to me after all πŸ˜›

12 Replies

Stop cluttering this board with posts about your irrational fears. PLEASE.

Vaughanabe13 wrote:
Stop cluttering this board with posts about your irrational fears. PLEASE.

Sorry, it was just an idea πŸ™

Get rechargeable batteries. Those don’t leak. πŸ˜‰

DaVince wrote:
Get rechargeable batteries. Those don’t leak. πŸ˜‰

Oh yes they do. A lot.

Really? I even specifically looked this info up and got the general consensus that they don’t. Then again, Wikipedia is showing a ton of different acids that these batteries consist of, so maybe I was wrong after all.

I can confirm that they do πŸ™
I got some of those new GP Powerbank Recyko+ (the new kind that supposedly holds their charge for up to a year if left unused), and one of them leaked in the charger while charging!

I just dried the battery off and tried to use it anyway, and it still works. I’ve charged it several times since then with no problems. It’s currently powering my wii remote πŸ™‚

The rechargeable battery for the DS is even mentioned to have a battery that can explode… if handled incorrectly, like peeling off the label or shorting the battery

I don’t do any of those things so it should be safe to play DS without fear… I hope

Yeah, that stuff is rare. And when it’s not, it’s in the news, which it isn’t. πŸ˜‰

Didn’t know rechargeable batteries actually COULD leak. That’s too bad.

I have little fear at all for batteries actually. I like to put those small watch/computer/cartridge batteries on my tongue and suck on them like a mint. Gives a good tingly feeling!
Maybe you should try that, if you can do that you’ve got nothing to fear!

svenk91 wrote:
I like to put those small watch/computer/cartridge batteries on my tongue and suck on them like a mint. Gives a good tingly feeling!

You sick little monkey! πŸ˜€

svenk91 wrote:
I have little fear at all for batteries actually. I like to put those small watch/computer/cartridge batteries on my tongue and suck on them like a mint. Gives a good tingly feeling!
Maybe you should try that, if you can do that you’ve got nothing to fear!

*reads* *cringes at the thought* no thanks 😯

svenk91 wrote:
I have little fear at all for batteries actually. I like to put those small watch/computer/cartridge batteries on my tongue and suck on them like a mint. Gives a good tingly feeling!
Maybe you should try that, if you can do that you’ve got nothing to fear!

If you got a load of fillings in your teeth grip the battery between them and the judder shoots through your jaw bone.


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