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Was wondering if anyone could do a better job translating the description than google translate? Google makes it sound like the seller will email a copy of the flyer and it isn’t an actual flyer.

8 Replies

He’s got a lot of other flyers, some of which I am definitely going to do my best to win!

I’ve asked my buyer to look at it and will ask the same question, unless someone on here can verify first πŸ™‚

HoMenace wrote:

Was wondering if anyone could do a better job translating the description than google translate? Google makes it sound like the seller will email a copy of the flyer and it isn’t an actual flyer.

The part that Google is translating as “e-mail” should definitely be “mail service,” meaning snail mail. The seller is simply advertizing it as a “Virtual Boy Flyer,” with no mention regarding whether it is an original or reproduction, but it sure seems to be an original. He mentions that he can group multiple shipments together in the same package, to save the buyer on shipping costs.

If you’re using a typical proxy service, this auction should go down just like any other auction.

Thanks Ben, that’s very good news πŸ™‚

Thanks Ben!

So what’s a going rate on the VB flyer? I doubt very much I’ll bid on this particular one, to save battling folks on here πŸ™‚

L___E___T wrote:
So what’s a going rate on the VB flyer? I doubt very much I’ll bid on this particular one, to save battling folks on here πŸ™‚

I’d have to say that the selling price on any already-accounted-for Japanese Virtual Boy flyer is nearly impossible to predict. If two serious collectors happen to battle it out at the same time, it could end up going somewhat high. If only one does, it could end up selling for dirt cheap.

Of course, if a rare, never-before-seen Japanese flyer for an unreleased Virtual Boy game would happen to appear in the future, I imagine it would sell for several hundred dollars at the least. I think I remember reading somewhere that the first flyer that publicly appeared and was noticed by at least a few for Virtual Bomberman ended up selling for about the equivalent of a thousand U.S. dollars. I guess I’d be shocked if this one would sell for more than about the equivalent of 200 U.S. dollars.

Thanks Ben, it went for about 6000 yen in the end, HoMenace did you manage to win it? I won some of the other flyers, 4 I think.

L___E___T wrote:
Thanks Ben, it went for about 6000 yen in the end, HoMenace did you manage to win it? I won some of the other flyers, 4 I think.

Unfortunately my highest bid was 5000 yen. At the moment in my VB collecting Ive been setting limits on certain items so I don’t subtract from my funds for other more desirable VB items. I did however manage to snag this:http://www.ebay.com/itm/371285481914?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

I think I might have over spent but the 3d specs never pop up and Ben won the first iteration of the VB magazine so I can settle for the 2nd one πŸ™‚


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