Original Post

Ok so what VB games are people making for the competition?

What I have seen is that blox 2 and Mario land 2 is going to be made

I read somewhere on this site that there was a vb mario kart demo, but what I remember the creator only made it to test his codes and was not really going to make the game for the competition

  • This topic was modified 16 years, 6 months ago by akumie.
8 Replies

dogps mario kart was meant as a compo entry, also, fwirt is working on yoshi’s cookie.

blox 2 was never meant to be a compo entry, btw, i would find it a bit strange to compete in my own competition. πŸ˜‰

so the only full version game someone is making for the competition is mario land 2 or did I get that wrong to?

yes, that one will be only a one level demo. πŸ˜‰
alberto was considering to submit tron vb, though, which is a complete game.

I hope it’s one hell of a long level! πŸ˜‰ What about that Zelda pic that’s on the main page towards the bottom. I’m sure it’s more of a test screen but I would still play a port of Links awakening on the VB :thumpup:

EDIT: Sorry… Link to the past

oh yeah, you’re right! indeed it would be great if danb would have a demo ready before the end of the compo. my fingers are crossed. πŸ™‚

I see so I guess the tron vb game that is already released is a demo or unfinished game and for the competition he is making the full game?

random question
How many are in the competition?, it sounds like only about 5-6 people are competing

why don’t you just play tron vb on reality boy? πŸ™‚ it is actually a complete, finished game.

i think 5 to 6 projects would actually be a nice number of entries for a vb coding competition, also considering their quality. and who knows how many people are secretly working on projects which won’t be unveiled before october 1st? one more month of patience and we will know. πŸ™‚

the tron rom is not up on the site

ok, atleast the flash boy is coming next week πŸ˜‰


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