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It looks like Jools Watsham,the co-founder of Renegade Kid, would also love to see Nintendo bring Virtual Boy games to the 3DS. He even recolored a screenshot and can be seen in 3D if you scan the QR code using a 3DS.

6 Replies

Very cool! The 3D looks pretty good on my 3DS, too.

I’d love to see them just release the games as-is… but having a recolored option would be pretty bad-ass, too.

That is utterly beautiful. I gotta break out my 3DS and see it in 3D too.

It should have a Halo Anniversary thing, where you could switch between color and RED with the press of a button…

This does look pretty amazing on the 3DS. Although they’d HAVE to include an original red function.. if they were to actually do this.

It looks even better on a 3DS, so pixel perfect! In fact, just like on a focus-adjusted Virtual Boy. There are quite a few great VB games, Nintendo really should add them to the 3DS.

For those of us with no 3DS, here’s the link from the QR code:


You can open it with Stereo Photo Maker, or you can extract the two (JPEG) images using a recent version of IrfanView.

I like the image, but I think it’s more than just a recolor; I think it was manually composed from one or more monoscopic VBWL screen-shots. Evidence:
1. The size – 3DS 400×240 instead of VB 384×224
2. Wario isn’t 3D – I compared it to an actual screen-shot with him in the same pose; his body and right arm are definitely supposed to be at different depths.
3. Likewise with the nearest layer of rocks – not enough depth layers

It’s a decent conversion, all the same. I don’t agree with all of the color choices, but it wouldn’t bother me enough to keep me from playing all the way through… twice (at least ;-)).


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