Is it just me, or have prices risen dramatically on ebay in the past 2 months. I’ve been seeing games that are relatively easy to find going for ridiculous prices. And now, there is a Nester’s Funky Bowling that has almost hit $100!
What happenend? I’ve also seen Virtual Boys going for about $40, for nothing more than the core system; no boxes, games or stands. Now I’m glad that I got mine for $25.
Heh..tell me about it…check this out it will cost you more than $500 whenever u live but i guess its hell of a collection…
This reply was modified 17 years ago by
I think that some of this might be because of the Angry Video Game Nerd vid. He basically just advertised the crap out of the Virtual Boy and now other people are going to want to experience for themselves.
Not really…Its just as years go bye the more expensive it will become… Dont foget guys that the VB was a console that didnt have mass production
i got my VB last year… it came with a working A/C adapter.. and GOLF. I got it for 85 dollars (not working) but it works fine because I used the oven trick.
Even that Virtual Boy for $500 is still way too much. No boxes or even pictures of the other games. I still think that its funny when people think that their Virtual Boy is worth hundreds, and no one bids even though its been relisted several times. Like this one ha ha
$300 for a supposed new Virtual Boy. Yeah right (to the price, not condition).
Well i got my VB for a high price(ofc not $500 and $400 etc but still high) as well. I wanted it so bad so i made the highest bid in the last 2 seconds i got the vb in perfect condition(only time that i got lines in right screen was in wario land and that was one or two as well for the screen brightness that i mentioned in the topic nooooo) 7 games the blockbuster case manuals for the vd and some games as well some boxes the battery pack and the ac tap adapter:)
Too bad I was a kid and didn’t have a job when Virtual Boy was being sold on its final days, I would have bought 4 of them easily with every game.
But, looking at my box now I’m glad i was able to find $25 for a brand new one.
BTW, blcklblskt, someone bid on that $300 auction already.
$300 is waaaaay too much for me. I’d rather buy something like Virtual Bowling or one of the other rarer Japanese games.
It seems that 3 copies of Space Invaders Virtual Collection have gone up on ebay recently. But these are the only copies I’ve seen going off in 5 months of looking on ebay. Very fishy to me…
its not to me… brought some vb games i guess they buy them from there and resell them! well at least thats what i believe:P
It’s at $104.50 now! I have never seen ANY VB game fetch a price that high on eBay before.
And if one has, I missed it somehow.
VBabe86 wrote:
It’s at $104.50 now!I have never seen ANY VB game fetch a price that high on eBay before.
And if one has, I missed it somehow.
I’ve seen Wario Land for the VB go up to $500.
thats alot, considering the lable was half gone, and there was no box or instruction manual. (lots-o-bids)
I bought mine for 159 dollars but i’m very happy with it because it was almost new and totally complete with box and manuals and Mario Tennis game , it was an US Virtual Boy.
edracon wrote:
I’ve seen Wario Land for the VB go up to $500.
thats alot, considering the lable was half gone, and there was no box or instruction manual. (lots-o-bids)
Really? I’ve seen them go for like $10. I got mine with box and manual for around $15. I also got my boxed VB (US), like-new, with box and manuals, AC Tap (US) and box, VB Wario Land (US) (a second with box and manual, and Panic Bomber (US) with box and manual for only $69.06 on ebay a few days ago.
That’s why I don’t like using Ebay. There are other means to get into this hobby that are way cheaper.
BTW I just purchased a US system in box and all manuals, also included the hard carrying case, and the following games for $100:
Vertical Force
Water World
Red Alarm
Wario Land
Nester’s Funky Bowling
Galactic Pinball
Too bad the games are loose, but oh well. This will be the first time playing a VB and can’t wait for it to come in the mail.
blowback wrote:
That’s why I don’t like using Ebay. There are other means to get into this hobby that are way cheaper.BTW I just purchased a US system in box and all manuals, also included the hard carrying case, and the following games for $100:
Vertical Force
Water World
Red Alarm
Wario Land
Nester’s Funky Bowling
Galactic PinballToo bad the games are loose, but oh well. This will be the first time playing a VB and can’t wait for it to come in the mail.
$69 is a decent price for what I got. I got the boxed AC Tap with it, which is pretty uncommon. You got loose games with a box for a great price also. Have fun playing Water World .
I’ve got my eye on this auction, mostly because of that carrying case.
My only worry is that the AC adapter has no cord, making it pointless to use.
There’s also several other VB auctions with the box and everything, as well as more games, but no carrying case. I might go for one of those, but I’m not really sure if I should even go for any of them at this point because of my lack of funds right now.
However, some of you are mentioning much cheaper ways to get a VB. I take it you were looking through flea markets or something?
NamelessPlayer wrote:
My only worry is that the AC adapter has no cord, making it pointless to use.
you can use a SNES power cord, and plug it into the AC-tap I think.
NamelessPlayer wrote:
My only worry is that the AC adapter has no cord, making it pointless to use.
Can’t you use any Nintendo A/C adaptor for that? I may be able to get a loose one, and was told an A/C from a NES or Super NES would work with it.
blcklblskt wrote:
Have fun playing Water World.
Don’t think I won’t. :thumpup: