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Not sure if you guys seen this yet, but there are rumors of alternative costumes for the characters in the upcoming Smash Bros games.

Anyway, I found a Tumblr post with some of the proposed costumes. Apparently ROB’s alternate might be everyone’s favorite little red system. πŸ™‚


Whoa, got a little carried away writing it! Originally left out that it was possible and not a confirmed thing yet.

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by 16-Bit.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by 16-Bit.
9 Replies

Virtual ROB is cool and all, but what really caught my attention was evil Peach from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. Absolutely fantastic game that was. That’s an awesome costume, way better than Daisy.

HollowedEmpire wrote:

…Apparently ROB’s alternate might be everyone’s favorite little red system. :)…

Oh man. That would kinda be cool, but the hidden message would also be a major bummer: “Hey, remember Nintendo’s major commercial failure, ROB? How about we dress him up in one of Nintendo’s other major commercial failures?”

Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Oh man. That would kinda be cool, but the hidden message would also be a major bummer: “Hey, remember Nintendo’s major commercial failure, ROB? How about we dress him up in one of Nintendo’s other major commercial failures?”

So you’re saying they’re going to give him 3DS hands and a Wii U base? πŸ˜‰

Heh, sorry… I love those systems (well, 3DS at least… Wii U is lacking in good games ATM), but sales seem to say I’m in the minority. πŸ™


Wii (discontinued in UK and Japan) hardware has outsold the Wii U this fiscal year. I think you are in the majority. =P

This makes me want to do a ROB modification project.

ROB has been in other recent games, like a hidden character in Mario Kart DS, so it looks like he’s not a complete failure.

i remember reading how nintendo shamed yokoi after the virtual boy “failure”. how they would make him demonstrate it just to make fun of him. yet, it keeps popping up in 1st party games. its odd how they embrace their past, it is almost as if they do it to make fun of themselves. i choose to think they are actually honored by the path they walked to get to where they are, but i’m not always so sure.

Funny you mention that Lester Knight, I was thinking along the same lines! Nintendo keeps seemingly bringing up the Virtual Boy all on their own… with many of the references being recently. The interviews (typically related to the 3DS), the ROB costume, the previous smash bros had small nods, along with the Wario Wares and the Super Paper Mario too. Animal Crossing on the 3DS also has a Virtual Boy home object you can own… and if I remember right, is actually the only Nintendo system you can own in it! I feel there were a few more references too that are escaping me at the moment… but there is certainly a lot more relatively recent buzz of it I feel.

Not sure if anyone else knows about this as well, but I visited the Nintendo World in New York and they have a mini Nintendo museum in there. Not only do they sport an actual VB system there, they have nearly all the games and have a complete cabinet dedicated to the display along with some Nintendo powers showcasing it as well inside.

What’s up with Nintendo and their recent Virtual Boy interest? Is it a sign of some sort? Passing phase? Growing appreciation?

Probably one of the oldest references Nintendo has made to the VB was in Wario Ware 1 on GBA, where one of the microgames is Mario Clash.

I wish Nintendo would put all their VB games on 3DS already. Wario Land alone is worth it.

Haha I remember that one well too SirGuntz. Actually that one in particular is somewhat close to home, it’s what really made me start picking up my interest in the system.

I had one friend who had a VB very briefly, but I didn’t get to play it more than once. Really can’t even remember which game I played, but I remember thinking it was awesome of course! Outside of that though, that’s the only experience I had with it up until that Microgame of Mario Clash.

So thanks to Wario and his greedy game making plans, I’m now on my own greedy game making plans for the system. πŸ˜›


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