Original Post

Started new conversation in marketplace like I should of done.

Well here is a version i quickly put together. (Please note quality will be much better when making more). I already have a game plan on improving quality and etc.

So as you can see using acrylic the colors are much more vibrant and accurate. the plastic did unfortunately chip when you first pierce it. I can avoid this by adding longer lead-ins except for inside the letter e, d, and o but most of the time they didn’t chip. Also cutting the holes causes small chips.

These chips are relatively small and should not be noticeable when hung on a wall. its the best i can do since i don’t have a laser cutter. Other imperfections was be scratches visible in certain lighting angles, but wont be noticeable when on the wall.

Each material sheet I can cut a few and will be able to build the sign using the best quality versions that come out.

I also had to redesign the files to cut these out. I went with a puzzle like design which bonds the nintendo top piece to the bottom VB. see picture

will glue these with Gorilla glue so these dont break during shipping.


I have an etsy shop to place orders here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/608819051/nintendo-virtual-boy-sign?ref=shop_home_active_1

For now I plan to only make 7 of these and see how it goes.

  • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Schwanck.
1 Reply

No longer has chips anymore, completely perfected~
I can’t stop the scratches. It’s that kind plastic that’s a scratch magnet but you can’t feel them or see them unless in certain lighting


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