Original Post

I’ve been pretty quiet lately but it’s only because I’ve been crazy with foster kittens and fixing display issues on my current VB. I scored 2 beaten up systems for parts/repair and one is gonna go to fixing my original and the other is gonna be converted into a Virtual Girl. Thanks to some member’s here that created the VB font and some members that gave the inspiration, it looks like it might just happen. I have a spare controller that I want to add the logo to. Here’s a quick concept:

62 Replies

That won’t be difficult. Honestly, it was so simple my dog probably could have done it. The most annoying/difficult part was removing the 2 screws in the VB that you need an extended bit to reach. I used Valspar brand spray paint & primer in 1. Each item has about 2-3 coats on it. The logo is going to be done with a stencil and some of the paint I bought. I was going to have a friend cut me the logo in vinyl but paint is a much more official look to it. Using the Virtual Boy font someone here made up, I will just mess around until I get the correct sized font and secure the stencil over the spots and spray over it. If this makes no sense sorry, it’s late here right now lol

– Virtual Boy + controller (optional)
– At least 1 color/can of spray paint (the 2 in 1 primer and paints work best)
– Small-med phillips head screwdriver
– Extended special screwdriver for security screws
– Work area that’s paint-friendly
– Screw/parts holding container
– Printer + paper
– Precise cutting tool/Exacto Knife
– This font: http://www.planetvb.com/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=3812&viewmode=flat&order=ASC&type=&mode=0&start=20

Step 1: Remove eye cover and then remove all security screws from bottom of system except ones over cartridge slot. The 2 on either side of the cartridge slot are a huge PITA so an extended bit is needed.

Step 2: Remove black underside to reveal internals and remove several small phillips screws (three I think). Gently lift internal components (should come out as 1 piece) and set aside.

Step 3: Unscrew 4 small phillips head screws that hold the focus knobs into system and remove. Set aside screws and white plastic pieces and put the knobs and empty top half of your VB shell in your work area and get ready to get dirty!

Step 4: Paint the inside of all the pieces first so that you can lay it down without messing up paint on the other side. Repeat process on the outside of the pieces.

Step 5: Print out your new logo on sturdy card paper (72 pt font for shell) and cut out the letters with the knife, thus creating a stencil.

Step 6: Cover the shell with newspaper or plastic to protect the rest of it from unwanted paint. Then secure the stencil to the shell and gently spray paint over the stencil.

Step 7: CAREFULLY remove your stencil and let the paint dry


Step 1: Open up the controller with a small phillips screwdriver (10 screws total)

Step 2: Unscrew the board and set aside.

Step 3: Lift up the rubber to reveal buttons and just simply remove.

Step 4: Paint your buttons

Step 5: While your buttons dry, you can prepare to apply the logo. Take some fine grit sandpaper or acetone (nail polish remover) and remove the existing logo.

Step 5: Print out your new logo on sturdy card paper (72 pt font for shell) and cut out the letters with the knife, thus creating a stencil.

Step 6: Cover the controller with newspaper or plastic to protect the rest of it from unwanted paint. Then secure the stencil to the shell and gently spray paint over the stencil.

Step 7: CAREFULLY remove your stencil and let the paint dry

Wow, it’s looking awesome! Good job!

speedyink wrote:
Wow, it’s looking awesome! Good job!

Thanks! I’m putting on the finishing touches as we speak. All that’s left are these damn logos now that I got my printer working

retronintendonerd wrote

Step 7: CAREFULLY remove your stencil and let the paint dry

Wow Retro, thanks for all of those steps!:-)

morintari wrote:
retronintendonerd wrote

Step 7: CAREFULLY remove your stencil and let the paint dry

Wow Retro, thanks for all of those steps!:-)

I’ll have pictures to go with the teardown steps as soon as I finish up the project.

Also, the size for the fonts were only placeholders. If a mod can edit the sizes on my writeup post that’d be great.

The actual font sizes are as follows:
Controller: 28 pt
Shell: 43 pt

EDIT: Progress has come to a stand still at the moment while I wait on my logo to be made into a vinyl stencil so it’s easier to paint on.

This thread reminds me of something, but I just can’t seem to put my finger on it.

Haha that is awesome! I had no idea that thread even existed. That one came out great!

I also painted one of my shells years ago: http://www.projectvb.com/painting.html .

There was also someone who painted theirs white (I don’t remember exactly what the deal was, but I kinda remember someone trying to sell it as a “RARE Prototype”).


  • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by DogP.

retronintendonerd wrote:
… I was going to have a friend cut me the logo in vinyl but paint is a much more official look to it.

Why are they mutually exclusive? Just cut the vinyl as a negative, and use it as a stencil.

EDIT: D’oh! I didn’t read the rest of the thread… 😛

Using the Virtual Boy font someone here made up …

*raises hand* 😉

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by RunnerPack.
  • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by RunnerPack.

DogP wrote:
I also painted one of my shells years ago: http://www.projectvb.com/painting.html .

There was also someone who painted theirs white (I don’t remember exactly what the deal was, but I kinda remember someone trying to sell it as a “RARE Prototype”).


Really? “A rare prototype”, huh? lol That’s pretty sad. Yours looks kick ass though.

RunnerPack wrote:

retronintendonerd wrote:
… I was going to have a friend cut me the logo in vinyl but paint is a much more official look to it.

Why are they mutually exclusive? Just cut the vinyl as a negative, and use it as a stencil.

EDIT: D’oh! I didn’t read the rest of the thread… 😛

Using the Virtual Boy font someone here made up …

*raises hand* 😉

Lol yeah the negative idea works a lot better. You keep proving you are the man, time and time again! First my display, now the font. 😉

Getting pretty annoyed with the vinyl person. I placed an order damn near a month ago and I still haven’t gotten my graphics. It’s so frustrating being so close to being finished with my project and not being able to do anything about it for so long. Ugh…

I was just sent a picture of the graphics before they cut them and it’s spelled wrong… *bangs head against wall*

On the bright side, it was caught before I actually received them…

Modding a console is like playing a game on one: if there were no challenges, it wouldn’t be fun 😉

I suppose you’re right. They are all cut finally and should be mailed out today *fingers crossed*
This time they’re spelled correctly and the sizes seem right too.

retronintendonerd wrote:
I suppose you’re right. They are all cut finally and should be mailed out today *fingers crossed*
This time they’re spelled correctly and the sizes seem right too.

What did they spell wrong?

“Virtual” was misspelled as “Vertual”

Really impressed by the quality of the mods, good luck getting your issues straightened out.

DogP wrote:
I also painted one of my shells years ago: http://www.projectvb.com/painting.html .

There was also someone who painted theirs white (I don’t remember exactly what the deal was, but I kinda remember someone trying to sell it as a “RARE Prototype”).


I think I remember seeing that one for sale on Ebay. That paint job was so terrible. It looked like they tried to apply the paint with either a brush or roller.

Thanks for the kind words. Sadly, new snag. Supposedly it was mailed out and I was supposed to receive it Wednesday and I still haven’t gotten it. I am really getting sick of this to be honest. Last time I use this place for vinyl.

New update: New vinyl was mailed out yesterday. Keep your fingers crossed or pray to the Virtual Boy gods that it arrives Friday or Saturday when it’s expected (or even at all would be nice)


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