Original Post

I noticed the survey card for Virtual Lab is not noted within the release photos here on PVB, so i scanned my copy. What is wild is the scanner I used shows my card as filthy…. while it is browned…it doesn’t look this bad to the naked eye.. Oh well. If someone has a better condition copy feel free to replace mine.

4 Replies

Awesome, thank you! And don’t worry about the yellowed parts, that’s nothing that can’t be easily removed in post processing. 🙂

Would you be also able to provide better scans of the cartridge? The one we currently have is pretty old and not very high quality.

Absolutely! Always happy to contribute to PVB! the Will post as soon as I can!

Cart Scan! Hopefully this is better than what PVB originally had…

Much better, thanks! Both contributions are up.


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