I’m going for a sealed NTSC set.
Looking for the best of the best. I like my sealed games all perfect. no dents. I have items and CIB repros for trade.
My needs…
Jack Bros SEALED
Water World SEALED
Mario Clash SEALED
Wario Land SEALED
Vertical Force SEALED
Trade bait
CIB Jack Bros
CIB Waterworld
Sealed Golf Dented back side
CIB releases. (bound high, space pinball, etc)
I’ll be on the lookout for sealed games for you (I’m hitting up two Retro Shops in NYC today for some other VB Stuff).
Have a sealed Golf in mint condition if you’re interested. $25 including Priority Mail (boxed, of course).
UncleTusker wrote:
My needs…
Jack Bros SEALED
I hope you are prepared to pay top dollar for a sealed Jack Bros. I saw one sell on Ebay not too long ago for over $1,000.00.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
UncleTusker wrote:
My needs…
Jack Bros SEALEDI hope you are prepared to pay top dollar for a sealed Jack Bros. I saw one sell on Ebay not too long ago for over $1,000.00.
Not sure I’ll be spending that much, but I’d consider it!
Yeah, the exceptionally high price for a sealed Jack Bros. is the primary reason why it is the only sealed North American VB game that I do not have in my collection. It is still possible to get a CIB Jack Bros. in very good condition for $200 to $300 on Ebay. So when you look at it from the proper perspective, if you purchase a sealed Jack Bros. for $1,000.00, you are essentially paying $700.00 for an official plastic wrap.
Just giving you a heads up on the expected price you’d need to pay to get it. I’m pretty sure I also saw a sealed Jack Bros. sell for $800 after the aforementioned one. Basically, if you ever see a Buy-It-Now for a sealed Jack Bros. that is under $1,000.00, you pretty much have to snag it up right away or it’s gone forever. And it is true, you will find more complete copies of Virtual Bowling available for sale than you will ever find sealed copies of Jack Bros.
Benjamin Stevens wrote:
Yeah, the exceptionally high price for a sealed Jack Bros. is the primary reason why it is the only sealed North American VB game that I do not have in my collection. It is still possible to get a CIB Jack Bros. in very good condition for $200 to $300 on Ebay. So when you look at it from the proper perspective, if you purchase a sealed Jack Bros. for $1,000.00, you are essentially paying $700.00 for an official plastic wrap.Just giving you a heads up on the expected price you’d need to pay to get it. I’m pretty sure I also saw a sealed Jack Bros. sell for $800 after the aforementioned one. Basically, if you ever see a Buy-It-Now for a sealed Jack Bros. that is under $1,000.00, you pretty much have to snag it up right away or it’s gone forever. And it is true, you will find more complete copies of Virtual Bowling available for sale than you will ever find sealed copies of Jack Bros.
I agree with Ben on both counts, but I’m the kind of person that likes to pay for factory wrappers! If you find a sealed copy of Jack Bros., grab it! I watched two exceed $1,000, then the $800+ one, then another one popped up with a “Buy it Now” for $500 and was gone in two days. I haven’t seen another one since….other than mine, of course! (but I didn’t pay nearly that much) 🙂
I’ve been tracking these as well so I can average fair market value for insurance purposes.
There sure are a lot of sealed copies of US golf showing up these days. Two on ebay and one in the forum make three right now.