Original Post

Well, where to start….?

I haven’t been on this site in forever, but it feels really great to be back! <3

Tonight as I read through some of the more recent threads on this forum, I was saddened to see that some people tend to feel as though the VB community has more or less died (or just quieted down), for various reasons not limited to, but possibly including the economy, personal priorities, the 3DS etc, as of late.

I must admit, I haven't touched my VB in far too long, but I plan on changing that first thing tomorrow morning as soon as I get out of bed!

For me personally, the VB fell off my list of priorities due to the nature of life running its course. If I'm to be completely honest, the myriad of other hobbies I've taken up over the last several years has likely contributed to the VB's unfortunate neglect...

Here's the creepily ironic thing in all of this: I was looking for screenshots I had taken of old VB high scores, and the ones I uncovered are exactly 3 years old (to the VERY DAY) tomorrow! I couldn't believe my eyes, and took a second glance at the date embedded on the photographs - just to make sure my brain had accurately interpreted the information my eyes had fed it the first time 'round!

It's as if it were meant to be - as if this unfolding of events were somehow mysteriously written in the annals of time somewhere... My VB is calling my name from the shelf in my closet, which frankly I'm ashamed to admit... but where else can I go, and to whom else can I turn???

I hope this amazing community can and will welcome me back into the fold with open arms...

...I had all but forgotten the greatest system to have ever graced planet earth in the history of electronic gaming.

I look forward to spending countless hours re-discovering this site, forum, and one-of-a-kind community. Oh, did I mention delve into the unparallelled experience that is the VB!?!?

See you around,


3 Replies

Welcome back.
Yeah it does seem to be a little quieter round here this last year or so, but there is life here, (cue star trek ‘but not as we know it’ quote)
I too have kind of neglected my VB, but only in the amount of play it receives, not treatment. But whenever i do hook it up it always saddens me when i have to stop playing, I think cos its so immersive so when you pull your face back out to the full colour world it really is quite a transition whereas the 3DS just gets closed and dropped in my pocket if i need to stop.
Now you got me thinking, I have always been eager for Nintendo to release VB games for the 3DS, but now maybe not, maybe these games will only work well on proper VB hardware, I don’t play using emulators etc, for me personally it has to be with flashboy in hardware, so now i have confused myself, do I want to play VB on 3DS, but thats a question for another topic……….. so back on track, welcome back and enjoy the treats that have surfaced in the time you have been away.

Hey colb,

Glad to see that you plan to get back into some VB gaming.

I hope that you plan to post those high scores that you mentioned on this site and perhaps even work at getting them even higher.

It seems that there are many people playing their Virtual Boys at this time but who have no desire to join the high score competition. I would appreciate some more friendly competition! 🙂

3DS doesn’t have the depth of field that VB has, that’s for sure. It can actually render things to fully pop out the screen but it’s not best practice at all.


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